November 22, 2022
The district will welcome the Monroe-Woodbury community to a Crusader Chat in the MWHS auditorium on Thursday, December 1 at 7 p.m. Following a presentation detailing the Capital ...

November 18, 2022
November 18, 2022 Dear Monroe-Woodbury community, At the Board of Education meeting on November 16, Patrick Cahill, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Management Servic...

November 18, 2022
Each year, the school district invites local firefighters to visit the elementary schools and share fire safety tips with more than 2,200 students during National Fire Prevent...

November 15, 2022
Reminder: All schools will dismiss early on Friday, November 18 for afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences. Conferences are held online. For more information and instructions for on...

November 15, 2022
Thank you to all of the M-W school-related professionals who serve our students each day. We appreciate you!

November 9, 2022
On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Monroe-Woodbury Central School District residents will be asked to vote on a proposed $115 million capital improvement program, which would address l...

November 8, 2022
All Monroe-Woodbury schools and offices will be closed on Friday, November 11, in honor of all those who have served our country.

November 4, 2022
Reminder: Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 6. Don't forget to turn clocks back one hour.

October 31, 2022
On Friday, October 28, North Main Elementary had some very special visitors: Officer Berke and K-9 Keen from the Village of Monroe Police Department.
Officer Berke demonstr...

October 28, 2022
Remember - PTAs and SEPTA support our schools and our students with wonderful programs and activities. To find out more, visit your school's PTA page, found on the Menu at eac...

October 27, 2022
Reminder: All schools will dismiss early on Monday, October 31, to allow staff to participate in professional development. Thank you!
Early Dismissal Times: M-W High School...

October 27, 2022
Monroe-Woodbury PTA is excited to announce this year's Reflections Program. Each year, students in all grades (K-12) and of all abilities participate and explore the arts base...

October 18, 2022
Reminder: Friday is M-W Think Pink Day. Wear your favorite pink gear and support breast cancer awareness. And don't forget to email your photos to communications@mw.k12.ny.us .

October 17, 2022
Superintendent Rodriguez shares important information about upcoming events as well as news from the district in this monthās issue of M-W Moments.
M-W Moments - Octo...

October 14, 2022
October 17-21 is New York School Board Recognition Week
Is there a better way to begin the week, or to start any weekend than with our students' voices? Please enjo...

October 14, 2022
The bear made another appearance early today at our High School/Middle School/Central Valley Elementary campus. Principals of all three buildings were notified. Physical education...

October 13, 2022
There have been no additional sightings of the bear today. As a result, outdoor activities have resumed and the running track is again available for public use. The following athl...

October 13, 2022
Yesterday afternoon district leaders were made aware of a bear sighting on campus near the woods and MWMS soccer field off Nininger Road. Consequently, all after school outdoor at...

October 6, 2022
Please donate new or gently used and laundered coats, boots, scarves, gloves, snowpants/snowsuits, sweaters and sweatshirts for Pine Tree's 14th Annual Winter Outerwear Event. It...