Printable Student Calendars
2024-2025 School Year

This calendar automatically defaults to an “Agenda” view. To view this or the individual school calendars in month or week format, select from the calendar links below:
2025-2026 School Year
At the February 19, 2025 meeting of the Monroe-Woodbury Board of Education, the Trustees approved the Student Calendar for the upcoming school year, 2025-2026. Lots to look forward to, Crusaders!

How to view combined calendars:
To view selected combinations of calendars, for example High School and North Main, as one monthly calendar:
Click the Month tab on the calendar below.
On the blue dropdown arrow on the far right of the tabs, uncheck calendars you do not wish to see.
Remember that the Districtwide calendar contains events that apply to all schools.
To print the selected combined calendar for the month, please take a screenshot.