Message from  Superintendent graphic

February 27, 2023

Dear Monroe-Woodbury families,

We continue to monitor weather forecasts calling for wintry weather conditions expected tonight and tomorrow. Once a more definitive forecast is announced, I will make a final decision about closing schools and will notify families late tonight or early tomorrow. I am writing now in hopes that this message will help guide child care decisions if schools are closed tomorrow.

The district is also monitoring a potential storm system that may impact our area on Friday, March 3. Please have arrangements in place for your child in the event of an early dismissal or school closure and make sure your child is aware of these alternative plans.

If the district uses a snow day tomorrow, Tuesday, February 28, there will be one snow day remaining of the four allotted for the 2022-2023 school year. As a reminder, if all four snow days are used, the district will pivot to remote learning and all instruction will be conducted virtually. This prevents the district from having to take back days from spring break.

As always, families will be notified of any changes to the districtā€™s regular schedule via email, text and/or phone call, based on preferences selected on the Parent/Student Portal. Notifications will also be posted on the districtā€™s website, as well as on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Warm regards,

Elsie Rodriguez
Superintendent of Schools