leaves in foreground with text and photo

handwritten message and flowers Pine Tree student Lila wrote a heartwarming message of gratitude to her former teacher, Mrs. Spisany, as part of the district's #attitudeofgratitude initiative. Students throughout the district will share messages of thanks to members of the school community who make a difference in their lives.

Thank you, Lila, for writing such a beautiful message. Thank you, Mrs. Spisany, for shaping young lives.💜🙏

Want to share a gratitude message with someone in the M-W school community? Here's how:

Write a letter or email to someone in our school community who has made a difference in your life. Explain what makes them special and why you are grateful. How have they made your life better? Please email your message to communications@mw.k12.ny.us and we will share!

For younger students, draw a picture to share with your favorite person. Send your illustration or message to communications@mw.k12.ny.us and we will share on social media and the website and surprise your special person. #mwattitudeofgratitude

We can't wait to share these incredible stories throughout the month of November.