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Friday, April 01, 2022

Happy Friday Crusaders!

It has been great getting into classrooms to get to speak to all of our students and engaging in conversations around our expectations. Monday marks the beginning of the final marking period of the school year and we want to make sure that everyone is reminded of our expectations in order to finish the year strong. Click here to view the presentation that was given and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

NYS Assessments: The NYS ELA Assessment is scheduled for Monday, April 4th and Tuesday April 5th with make-ups being held 4/6- 4/8. An email went home last week with all pertinent information. Please be sure that your child comes to school with a fully charged Chromebook each and every day of testing. 

Student Council Spirit Week: The MWMS Student Council has been at work preparing for an upcoming spirit week April 4th - 8th and we are hoping to have tremendous student and staff participation. The schedule, for the week-long celebration of pride for our school, can be found here

World Language Questionnaire: 6th Graders are making their selection for the World Language that they would like to begin studying next year. They have received an email with a Google Form attached that they need to fill out indicating their selection. Please be sure to discuss their choice and help them to submit the form if they have not already done so.  

NYS Assessments: The NYS ELA Assessment is scheduled for April 4th and 5th with make-ups being held 4/6- 4/8. An email went home last week with all pertinent information. Please be sure that your child comes to school with a fully charged Chromebook each and every day of testing. 

8th Grade Field Trip-  Last week, an email containing the information and  permission slip for the 8th Grade Field Trip was sent home. The link below was included in the email and will assist you in getting your 8th grader signed up for this wonderful event. Please read the information carefully and share it with your student. 

8th Grade Field Trip Information 

Covid Tests Available: If your family is interested in having at home COVID test kits, please let us know. We have kits available at the building that can be picked up. Come by the building, call, or email for more information.

PTA Information

Yard Sign Sale Extended! - Due to many requests, the 8th Grade Yard Sign Sale is being extended through April 8th.  Celebrate this milestone with a sign to display at your home. Use the following link to get yours. 

Yard Sign Sale

 8th Grade End of Year Celebration- If you are interested in donating to help our 8th graders have a spectacular end of the year celebration. Please see the PTA provided link below. 

Any/all donations can be dropped of at the MS security desk with note “for PTA” by 5/25.

PTA Raffle Donations

Amazon Donation Link

Monroe Woodbury Baseball Camp- If you are interested in Baseball Camp, please see the flyer located here to sign up for some fun! 

Have a great weekend! Remember, wear your house color on Monday!

Take care,

The MWMS Leadership Team