Friday, March 11, 2022
Happy Friday Crusaders!
An unexpected snow day made for a short but busy week here at the middle school. We are certainly looking forward to Spring. Although we might not feel like it tomorrow, warm weather is right around the corner! Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead this Sunday.
Odyssey of the Mind: Great News!!! Mrs. McInerney and Mr. Calabrese’s teams successfully won their divisions at the Odyssey of the Mind Competition last weekend. They are headed to the state competition at the end of the month. Congratulations!!! We will all be cheering you on!
Building Closed Tomorrow: Due to the forecasted weather tomorrow, all district buildings will be closed tomorrow (Saturday, 3/12/22).
Q3 Progress Reports: Quarter 3 Progress Reports have now been posted to the Parent Portal.
Drama Production: Our drama club students have been working very hard on this year’s Spring Musical. The public performances of Newsies will be held tonight, Friday, March 11th, at 7:00pm. and Sunday, March 13th, at 2:00pm. Tickets for the public performances can be purchased using the link found here.
Parent Teacher Conferences: Our upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on the evening of Tuesday, March 15th from 5:30 to 8:30pm and on the afternoons of Friday, March 18th and Wednesday, March 23rd from 12:30 to 3:00pm. This Spring we will once again be holding our Parent-Teacher Conferences remotely utilizing Google Meet. We will be using pickAtime, which is now open for you to schedule your own appointments. Please use the following link:
If you are new to the pickAtime program detailed instructions can be found on our website.
PTA News:
8th Grade LAWN SIGNS! Order now, sale ends 3/18/22. Home | MW-8thGRADESIGNS (
Enjoy the snowy weekend!
The MWMS Leadership Team