graphic for MS news

Friday, February 11, 2022

Happy Friday Crusaders!

Well this week is certainly ending with the type of weather that we want to see! We had a busy week here at MWMS and anticipation for the upcoming vacation is building. We do have one more week before break and some important information to share with you. 

STAR ELA Assessment

This coming Monday, in their ELA classes, our students will be completing their Winter STAR Assessment. Please be sure to have your Chromebooks in school and fully charged each and every day.

9th Grade Course Selection: 

Next week, during lunch periods, our guidance counselors will be sitting with our 8th graders to help them make course selections for their Freshman year. What an exciting time for these soon to be high schoolers! Students should bring their Scheduling Worksheet with them to school on Monday and have it with them throughout the week. 

MWCSD Strategic Plan Survey: 

If you have not had the opportunity to do so yet, please take some time to respond to the Strategic Plan Survey that has been sent to all district residents. 

Participating in the anonymous survey is easy!  Please click on the link below to access the appropriate survey. If you currently have children attending M-W schools, please complete the Family Engagement survey.

Parents/guardians with school-age children:

2022 MWCSD Strategic Plan Survey - Family Engagement - Password: Monroe2022

2022 MWCSD Strategic Plan Survey - Family Engagement - español- Password: Monroe2022

Upcoming Student Event: 

Crusader Council is excited to host a trivia event on 3/2 from 3-5 p.m. Students can take the 5 p.m. bus home or can arrange for a ride home. Registration is limited to 100 participants so sign up as soon as possible! Sign up here

Covid Tests Available: 

If your family is interested in having at home COVID test kits, please let us know. We have kits available at the building that can be picked up. Come by the building, call, or email for more information.

PTA News

Thank you to all our families who participated in the PTA Pickle fundraiser! Our school community depends on your generosity and support enabling us to bring great programs to our students. 

The 8th Grade Graduation Yard Sign Sale is still going on and you can find the link to purchase a sign to celebrate your child’s accomplishment below:

Wear Red for Heart Health:

On Monday, February 14, join the M-W community and wear red in support of cardiovascular health and to help raise awareness about heart disease. February is American Heart Month and is a wonderful opportunity to focus our attention on ways to promote and maintain heart health. #mwwearsred 

Wear Red For Heart Health

Community News: 

If you are interested in Crusader Football or Cheer, you can find the flyer below:

Crusader Football and Cheer