Friday, January 21, 2022
Happy Friday Crusaders!
Please read through the important information below. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Wear Your Student ID:
It is very important for all members of our school community to be quickly and accurately identified. To that end, we are requiring that all students wear their school issued ID and ensure that it is visible from arrival to dismissal. If any student has lost their ID badge, they should report the missing ID to the main office. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in enforcing this expectation. Students can expect to have their ID badge checked on Monday, January 24th.
8th Grade MWHS Visits:
Our Green House 8th grade students will be visiting the high school on Monday morning. Please make sure you are dressed appropriately!
Weather Emergencies:
We are in the season of unpredictable weather. Please be reminded to have a plan in place in case of delayed openings, closings, and/or early dismissals.
PTA News:
On behalf of the MW MSPTA, we are excited to announce the following fundraisers…
8th Grade LAWN SIGNS!
Order now, sale ends 3/18/22. Home | MW-8thGRADESIGNS (
Just in time for the Super Bowl! and "Souper Bowl of Caring". Purchase pickles for your family and/or a family in need.
Community News:
Please see information from…
Crusader Football by clicking here.
Monroe-Woodbury Little League by clicking here.
Monroe YMCA Club Kid Program by clicking
Have a great weekend!
-MWMS Leadership Team