graphic of Middle School News

Happy Friday MWMS Crusaders! 

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your partnership enforcing our expectations with our students. We have consistently promoted our vision of providing a safe and respectful learning environment at MWMS. In our interactions with students, it has become apparent that they are aware of these expectations and are striving to uphold them throughout the building. Many of our students and families have shared with us the continued nationwide social media posts that have caused concern. Thank you for being our eyes and ears! We take every concern seriously because safety is always our number one priority. We encourage our students and families to continue to communicate with us and report behavior that does not meet our expectations. Rest assured that we work diligently alongside our safety team and law enforcement to keep our school a safe and respectful place for learning.

Yearbook: The 2021-2022 Middle School Yearbook is now on sale for $37 until December 31st. Starting on January 1st of the new year, the price of the book increases to $40. Each year the book features the middle school experience of 6th, 7th and 8th graders. The middle school order code is 4564.  Click here to preorder your book now!  

Please contact with any questions.  

ID Reminder for Students & Staff: One of the basic safety measures that we have implemented this year is to have all members of our school community wear identification that provides immediate confirmation that they are authorized to be in the building. Please remind your students that wearing their badge is mandatory. Thank you!

New Entrance Procedure for Visitors: Safety is our top priority and we have increased the layers of security when entering the building during the school day. From this point forward, visitors will buzz in using the button located on the door all the way to the left at the main entrance. We ask that you please have a government issued photo identification ready to be presented to our safety team. A safety officer will be stationed at the booth all the way to the right inside the vestibule. The safety officer will release visitors into the building with an identification sticker to be worn at all times while in the building. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we implement this new procedure.

Community News: Please see information from…

MW Youth Lacrosse by clicking here.

Crusader Wrestling Club by clicking here.

St. Patrick’s CYO Basketball Program by clicking here.

MW Youth Football by clicking here.

Monroe YMCA Club Kid Program by clicking here.

THANK YOU to our MWMS PTA for providing some special treats to our faculty and staff today! The support and appreciation of our school community keeps us going strong! 

Have a terrific weekend!

-MWMS Leadership Team