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Friday, December 10, 2021

Happy Friday MWMS Crusaders! 

 It is already the midpoint of the second marking period! This week at MWMS, we had in-person concerts, athletic teams competing, and the drama club starting to put an unbelievable production together. Please read through the following important information as well:

ID Reminder for Students & Staff: One of the basic safety measures that we have implemented this year is to have all members of our school community wear identification that provides immediate confirmation that they are authorized to be in the building. Please remind your students that wearing their badge is mandatory. Thank you!

New Entrance Procedure for Visitors: Safety is our top priority and we have increased the layers of security when entering the building during the school day. From this point forward, visitors will buzz in using the button located on the door all the way to the left at the main entrance. We ask that you please have a government issued photo identification ready to be presented to our safety team. A safety officer will be stationed at the booth all the way to the right inside the vestibule. The safety officer will release visitors into the building with an identification sticker to be worn at all times while in the building. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we implement this new procedure.

 December 14th Pick Up: Due to the Wreaths Across America Convoy coming through on Tuesday afternoon, we are anticipating a change in our pick up procedure.Vehicles for student pick up will be staged in the ‘D House’ lot and released up the access road after the buses leave. We do ask everyone to be mindful of possible delays and if it is possible to have your student take the bus, we recommend that you exercise that option.

Parent Teacher Conferences: We have enjoyed our opportunity to virtually host our Parent Teacher Conferences this fall. The remaining Parent Teacher Conference will be held the evening of Tuesday, December 14th. 

Community News: Please see information from…

Crusader Wrestling Club by clicking here.

St. Patrick’s CYO Basketball Program by clicking here.

MW Youth Football by clicking here.

Monroe YMCA Club Kid Program by clicking here.

 Have a great weekend! 

-MWMS Leadership Team