The school libraries many of us experienced as students back in the day are no more. Throughout M-W schools, you can see the evolution of warm, comfortable spaces, designed to allow students to study, take a break, collaborate with fellow classmates, read a book, and so much more!
Mrs. Lerner, K-12 Library Services Coordinator and MWMS Librarian, invites us to the Middle School library to see an example of today's school library that features flexible seating, multi-media offerings, two classroom spaces and a variety of activities for students to choose from. The media center serves as an extension of the classroom, but also an area where students can catch a respite from the busyness of the day. And as Mrs. Lerner reminds us, "It's not quiet!"
The 2023-2024 school year marks the sixth year in a seven year plan to renovate all school libraries. Libraries in Sapphire, Smith Clove, Central Valley, North Main, Pine Tree and, most recently, the Middle School, have been updated. During the 2024-2025 school year, the MWHS library will be the final media center to receive upgrades and renovation.
As Mrs. Lerner prepares to retire after 16 years in M-W, she reflects, "The people who are in place now are going to take what we started together and just keep growing it in new ways yet to be found."