For over a decade, Mr. McCarty's Social Studies 7 classes have spent a week every February in the library as an extension to the unit on Govt. taught in class, collaborating on the research of current topics. The purpose is to help students identify civic issues that are important to teens, while sharpening their writing, public speaking, listening, visual/spatial and critical thinking skills. Students identify key people and policies and determine the actionable steps students can take to make change on the issues.
For 2024, students researched the following topics: sustainable farming, gun safety, fair housing/safe communities, social media/media literacy, and healthcare for teens. Students then presented their findings to their peers. Question and answer sessions followed and students provided insight on what issues are important to them and their communities citing relevant examples.
“My students and I really enjoy working in the library. While in the library, students work collaboratively with their peers and find ideas and potential solutions to some real world problems that they may face or are facing currently. Additionally, it is a pleasure to work with Mrs. Lerner and all the librarians and staff at the MS library. They are so kind, organized and supportive of student academic achievement and collaboration,” said Mr. McCarty.
Tim McCarty is in his 26th year of teaching Social Studies 7. He is also a coach, and spends his summers teaching History and Government to high-schoolers here at M-W's summer school program. All 26 years have been at Monroe-Woodbury.
Laura Carlson-Lerner is in her 32nd year of teaching. She came to Monroe-Woodbury in 2008 to work as a Library Media Specialist in the MS. She is co-advisor to the MS book club and the district's K-12 library coordinator. She previously worked as a HS English teacher for the Washingtonville Central Schools.