Open House Bell Schedule
Grade 6
Thursday, September 28, 2023
A.M. Classes: 5:20 – 5:35 p.m.
Symphonic Band & Sinfonia (Room 143)
Welcome from Administration in the Auditorium: 5:40 – 5:55 p.m.
We invite all parents/guardians to join us in the auditorium for an introduction of the building administrators, guidance counselors, and school clinicians before visiting the teachers for Open House. In order for us to keep our tight schedule, we will start promptly at 5:40 p.m.
Period 1 6:00 – 6:08
Period 2 6:13 – 6:21
Period 3 6:26 – 6:34
Period 4 6:39 – 6:47
Period 5 6:52 – 7:00
Period 6 7:05 – 7:13
Period 7 7:18 – 7:26
Period 8 7:31 – 7:39
Period 9 7:44 - 7:52
Parking Limitations: Traditionally, we have experienced an excellent turnout for our Open House Program. Since parking at the Middle School is limited, we strongly recommend that parents/guardians carpool whenever possible. We have made arrangements with the high school to utilize their parking lots for overflow and will have shuttle buses available for use beginning at 5:00 p.m.