The Monroe-Woodbury Middle School Drama Club proudly presents this classic tale "as old as time." Featuring performances by a cast and crew of almost 160 Monroe-Woodbury Middle School students and 10 special guest 1st grade performers from both Smith Clove and Sapphire Elementary schools, this show encompasses our wider community of talented performers.
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is filled with hit songs such as “Belle”, “Home”, “Be Our Guest” and the title number “Beauty and the Beast.” With original music by Alan Menken and choreography by M-W Middle School Teacher Thomas Larke, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast will have you dancing in your seats and singing the songs well past the final bows.
Monroe-Woodbury Middle School, 199 Dunderberg Road in Central Valley.
- Friday, March 17 at 7 pm
- Saturday, March 18 at 1 pm
- Saturday, March 18 at 7 pm
Purchase tickets online:
Prices for all shows are $10 for reserved seating and $8 for general admission. Tickets must be purchased in advance; tickets will not be sold at the door.
It's a don't miss event! See you there!