Header for Regents and Final Exams

May 25, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Attached please find important information regarding the upcoming Final and Regents Examination period at Monroe-Woodbury High School. Information about student management and building safety during the final examination period are also included.

We appreciate your support in stressing the importance of attending and being well prepared for these exams.

The Final/Regents Examination schedule begins on Wednesday, June 15 and extends through Thursday, June 23. The last day of regular classes at the high school is Tuesday, June 14.

In-class exams will be administered by teachers during the days prior. Students will receive information about in-class exams directly from their teachers. 

The following information is provided under the Regents/Finals/Exams in the Student Links portion of the High School Menu on the website

Kindly review and discuss with your child the attached information regarding the examination schedule.  


Mr. Yarmus

Assistant Principal, House A