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MWHS Students and Families,

I hope that your new year is off to a good start.  I am following up on the letter sent from Mrs. Rodriguez concerning the high school being remote for the remainder of the week, Tuesday, January 4 - Friday, January 7.

Please note the following:

Schedule:  The High School Schedule will remain the same.  Students are expected to log on through the class’s Google Classroom at the beginning of each class period.  

 Virtual Classroom Etiquette

  • Be on time for class
  • Make sure your Chromebook is charged
  • Dress appropriately for class
  • Be engaged in your class (put distractions away and focus on learning)
  • Keep your microphone muted during class unless you are speaking
  • Cell phone use is not permitted during remote instruction
  • Recording of any kind is not permitted during class time
  • We strongly encourage students to have cameras on as this has a direct correlation to academic success. You can use the various backgrounds that are available on Google Meet to increase your privacy. 

Study Hall/LunchStudy halls and lunch do not have Google Classrooms.  Students will not have a Google Meet to attend. 

Teacher Absence:  In the event a teacher is out sick during the remote time, asynchronous work will be posted in the Google Classroom.  There will not be a Google Meet for the class.

Meals:  Breakfast and lunch meals for high school students will be available for pick-up each day at the high school between the hours of 11:00am. - 1:00pm.  Pick-up will occur in our tech wing entrance, which is the glass doors to the left of the school’s main entrance. 

CTEC:  Our CTEC students will continue to attend the program in person.  An email has been sent to our CTEC families. 

Clubs/Activities - Clubs/Activities will continue to meet this week.  Though most will be virtual, some of these could be in person.  All after school activities will begin at 2:30 PM.  Transportation will not be provided.   

Senior Portraits - Senior Portraits will still occur as scheduled this week.

Daily Cycle:

  • Tuesday, January 4 - A Day
  • Wednesday, January 5 - B Day
  • Thursday, January 6 - C Day
  • Friday, January 7 - D Day 

Snow Days:  Just a reminder that we do have traditional snow days this year. If inclement weather results in schools closing this week, a traditional snow day would be utilized.   


John S. Kaste 
