Exam graphic

letterhead for Monroe-Woodbury High School

May 15, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Attached please find important information regarding the upcoming Final and Regents Examination period at Monroe-Woodbury High School. Information about student management and transportation during the final examination period is also included.

We appreciate your support in stressing the importance of student attendance and being well prepared for these exams.

The last day of regular classes at the high school is Thursday, June 13. In-class exams will be administered by teachers during the days prior to June 13. Students will receive information about in-class exams directly from their teachers.

The Final/Regents Examination schedule:

  • Tuesday, June 4

  • Friday, June 14 through Tuesday, June 25

The following pages include information regarding:

I. Schedule of examinations

II. Transportation information – schedule to be posted on the HS website

III. BOCES information for June 4, 2024

IV. Regulations and procedures for final exam Make-ups

Kindly review and discuss with your child the attached information regarding the examination schedule.


Marisol Jackson signature
Marisol Jackson
Assistant Principal, House B


exam schedule June 2024

II. Student Transportation

The following TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE will be in effect during the testing period.




7:00 AM

11:00 AM

10:45 AM

2:10 PM

4:00 PM *Activity Routes

5:00 PM *Activity Routes

These times are approximate. Here is the link for the Information about bus stops and pick up/drop off times. 2024 Exam Bus routes 10:45 Arrival & 11:00 Departure

REMINDER: It is expected that students will leave school following their last exam each day. Students are not permitted to leave the HS or grounds for any reason between exams, or while waiting for a bus. Students must wait in the HS cafeteria between exams unless a parent picks them up. Please familiarize yourself with the bus schedule and plan your transportation accordingly.


All BOCES programs will operate on a regular schedule on June 4, 2024. Students are expected to attend classes at BOCES except when they are scheduled to take MWHS Examinations. Students who are scheduled to take an exam will be excused from BOCES with a completed Z-Day Form. Students are required to get a Z-Day form in advance from BOCES and submit it to the House A Office no later than May 31, 2024.

BOCES Transportation for June 4, 2024 will be provided as follows:


  1. Students scheduled to take a 7:15 AM Regents Exam during any day of the "Block" testing period:

    a) Will take the Exams and be excused from attending classes at BOCES that day with a completed Z-Day Form.

  2. Students scheduled to take an 11:00 LOTE Exam:

    a) Will be transported to BOCES at the regular time via regular BOCES shuttle.
    b) Will be dismissed from BOCES at the regular time and transported back to the HS.

  3. Students not scheduled to take an Exam:

    a) Will be transported to BOCES at the regular time.
    b) Will be dismissed from BOCES at the regular time and brought to the HS for the 2:10 PM departure.


  1. Students scheduled to take an 11:00 LOTE Exam:
    a) Will take the HS Exam and will be excused from BOCES for that day with a completed Z-Day Form.

IV. Student Absences and Make-up Exams

Students who are absent from a Final Exam are required to immediately provide medical verification on doctor's stationery. The doctor's note should be scanned (or take a photo) and attached to this Google Form. The High School Administration will determine student eligibility for make-up exams and reserves the right to grant such opportunity in unique and/or extenuating circumstances (see Student Handbook). Unless told otherwise, students who hand in notes should plan to take missed exams in the HS Library at 8:00 AM on Monday, June 24th. No make-up exams will be given after Tuesday, June 25 unless special arrangements are made between student and teacher.

NO MAKE UP EXAMS WILL BE PERMITTED DUE TO A MISUNDERSTANDING OF THE EXAM or BUS SCHEDULE or for LATENESS. Please ask in advance if you have questions or if you need clarification.

-Unexcused absences from midterms/finals result in a grade of zero.

-Absences from New York State Regents cannot be made up until the next scheduled administration in June or August.

Conflict Room (Library/Media Center)

Students and parents should immediately review the testing schedule for conflicts (more than one exam at a time/overlapping exam) and these should be reported to the students’ classroom teachers.

Students should have a discussion with their teachers and guidance counselors in an attempt to develop a sensible plan to avoid any testing conflict. This may include taking one of the exams at an alternate time. On the day of the test, all Regents Exams are the priority and must be administered first.

In the event that the exam conflict cannot be avoided, students should report to the designated testing site for the first exam with all other students. Upon completion of the exam, the student should quietly raise his/her hand, identify to the proctor that he/she has to take another exam in the conflict room (Library/Media Center) and then be escorted there. Students should consider bringing lunch, or a snack if appropriate.