The Morning Show wins Best Film award

The HS Morning Show's film, The Magnum Opus of Blake Kendrick, PhD, won top honors at the 10 Day Film Challenge, honored as Best Film, Best Use of a Required Line and Best Use of Character.

The 10 Day Film Challenge is an intense and invigorating 10 school days in which teams of students make a movie—write, shoot, edit and score it—in just 10 school days -- during their film class periods only!

On Day 1, the Challenge released to the students the character including his/her backstory, a prop, a line of dialogue, a cinematic technique and genre that must be included in their movie. Then, 10 school days later, a 3-4 minute movie must be complete. Finally, the best films appeared in a public, online screening with awards handed out through an audience choice process.

Congratulations to the Morning Show crew on this amazing accomplishment! BRAVO!🎞🌟🎉

MDub crew