The HS Morning Show's film, The Magnum Opus of Blake Kendrick, PhD, won top honors at the 10 Day Film Challenge, honored as Best Film, Best Use of a Required Line and Best Use of Character.
The 10 Day Film Challenge is an intense and invigorating 10 school days in which teams of students make a movie—write, shoot, edit and score it—in just 10 school days -- during their film class periods only!
On Day 1, the Challenge released to the students the character including his/her backstory, a prop, a line of dialogue, a cinematic technique and genre that must be included in their movie. Then, 10 school days later, a 3-4 minute movie must be complete. Finally, the best films appeared in a public, online screening with awards handed out through an audience choice process.
Congratulations to the Morning Show crew on this amazing accomplishment! BRAVO!🎞🌟🎉