Monroe-Woodbury High School’s literary magazine, Pendragon, recently received the rank of Excellent in the 2023 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines (REALM) program. Congratulations to Mr. Filie, Pendragon advisor, and the hardworking students who work on this exceptional publication!
This year, schools in 46 states and five countries nominated 375 student magazines. Magazines from middle school, high school and higher education were welcomed for the 2023 contest. The REALM program publicly recognizes excellent literary magazines produced by students with the support of their teachers. REALM is designed to encourage all schools to develop literary magazines that celebrate the art and craft of writing. Schools in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, US territories, Canada and American schools abroad are eligible to nominate magazines.
The MWHS Pendragon staff publish a literary-art magazine each year that represents the best work of all of the students in the high school. Students interested in magazine production, design, creative writing, or art are encouraged to join the magazine staff. There is a standing Google Classroom where staff members can review prose, poetry, and other written content. The group then discusses which works will be published, before creating layouts in Adobe InDesign. Members meet two times per week.
Very impressive, Crusaders!