
January 5, 2024

Dear MWHS Parents/Guardians,

Our Mid-Year Examinations and the NYS Regents Examinations, are scheduled for Tuesday, January 23 - Friday, January 26, 2024. Students will only come to the high school when they are scheduled for exams on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.  Friday, January 26 will be a regular day of school for all students (the small number of students scheduled to take a Regents Exam on Friday will take them during the school day and will be excused from classes).  Some in-class exams will be given the week before.  Please view the January 2024 Block/Midterm and Regents Schedule here and the attached PDF for transportation information and more.  Please pay careful attention to examination times, transportation information, and cancellations due to inclement weather.  Subject area teachers will inform students of specific room assignments.  

These midterm and final examinations (for semester classes) are important because they:

  • represent 5% of the final grade in full-year courses (Midterm Exams)

  • represent 10% of the final grade in semester courses (Final Exams)

  • provide a cumulative review of the first semester's work

  • provide a comprehensive analysis of student progress

  • provide a testing experience that will enable students to perform well on the June local and state examinations.

Regents Exams are required by NYS and most are taken in June.  

It is important that students attend all scheduled examinations.  Make-up examinations will only be given if the absences are validated by a medical excuse signed by a physician.

Please review the attached information with your child.  Please contact their House Office, if there are any questions or concerns.


Marisol Jackson

High School Assistant Principal

Printable Exam Schedule

Exam Information

Regents and  Final Exams Schedule

Bus Schedule - 11:45 Arrival

Bus Schedule - 12:00 Departures