Senior National Merit Scholarship semifinalist photo

MWHS senior Anushree Buragohain has been named a Semifinalist in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship® Program. Anushree is among the 16,000 academically talented Semifinalists from throughout the country who will compete for some 7,250 National Merit Scholarships offered next spring worth more than $28 million.

To be considered for a Merit Scholarship® award, Semifinalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. About 95 percent of the Semifinalists are expected to attain Finalist standing, and about half of the Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the Merit Scholar® title. 

Anushree shares more about herself and some advice for younger students below:

Q: What activities are you involved in (in school and out)?
A: I am heavily involved in the MW community, both inside of the building and out. Within the school, I am the president of Mock Trial, the president and founder of Crochet for a Cause, president of our school's chapter of Spanish Honor Society, as well as the principal clarinet for the Wind Ensemble and an athlete on the Girls Varsity Golf team. Outside of school, I am the executive director of the Essential Prep SAT course, an intern at local law firm Schonberg Law Offices, and a volunteer at the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley. I cherish the time that I have spent with each activity and club, and I'm so grateful that I've had the opportunity to participate in each one here at MW!

Q: What does being named a NMS Semifinalist mean to you?
A: I was really excited when I found out that I was a semifinalist! I worked really hard to come this far, and I'm excited to see what the next step of my journey through the NMS competition will hold.

Q: What is your plan for the future?
A: In the future, I plan on majoring in political science and economics with a minor in Spanish. After that, I plan to attend law school and hopefully work in the legislature so I can enact some change in the world!

Q: How do you feel your M-W education prepared you for success?
A: I think that MW's teachers really excel at making a positive impact on their students years after they take their classes. Mrs. Saraceno, Mr. Demarco, and Mr. Clearwater are all teachers that taught me a unique perspective on education that I will not forget in the years to come.

Q: What is your favorite memory of your high school years?
A: My favorite memories from MW come from the communities that I've found here. The times that my friends and I have bonded over a game in gym or stressed after a difficult test are small moments that I cherish.

Q: What do you hope your legacy will be?
A: I hope that students will be encouraged to keep working hard and trying new things. High school is the time to begin to get to know yourself and find your place in the world, and there are so many opportunities to take advantage of in your time here.

Q: What advice would you give younger students?
A: I would tell younger students to keep an open mind when it comes to learning new ideas. You never know what you might become passionate about that could change your life!

Good luck, Anushree! We are so proud!