Vote reminder

On Tuesday, December 6, Monroe-Woodbury residents will be asked to vote on a $115 million proposed capital improvement program. The vote will take place at the Education Center, 278 Route 32, Central Valley, from 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. 

This multi-year program would provide vital improvements and upgrades to major building systems in all seven schools and five additional district buildings. A detailed breakdown of project scope  by building and proposed expenditures is available on the district website: Building-specific proposals may be found in the More Information window on the right side of the home page.

District leaders held a Crusader Chat on Thursday, December 1, during which project scope, funding sources and a tentative timeline were explained.  Questions submitted by community members were also answered during the Chat. Please see below. The Q&A is available on the website in written format as well. 

Residents are encouraged to email questions to Thank you!