April 28, 2022
Dear Monroe-Woodbury parents and guardians,
I am writing as a follow-up to my communication addressing public use of the access road between Monroe-Woodbury High School and Central Valley Elementary. As I mentioned in my message to families prior to Spring Recess, the access road is only open to public traffic during HS drop-off (6:00 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.) and pick-up (1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.). The road is closed for public use at all other times as a result of increasing safety concerns for students, staff and community members.
Since this change, some family members have begun arriving early for high school pick-up (prior to 1:30 p.m.). They are parking in the Central Valley lot adjacent to the access road or in various high school lots, waiting for the access road gates to be lifted or for their students to walk to their cars.
These actions cause serious concern for our students’ safety. Our elementary students use the parking lot for recreational purposes and vehicle traffic is dangerous while they are at play.
Additional traffic in the high school lots has caused a number of safety issues as our students walk to and from the fields and to their cars. Furthermore, buses transporting students to after-school events have found their schedules impacted due to the congestion created by these additional cars.
Effectively immediately, cars will not be allowed to park in MWHS lots prior to 1:30 p.m. In addition, cars will not be allowed to park in the Central Valley lot adjacent to the tennis courts prior to 2:15 p.m. We are committed to keeping our students safe and appreciate your cooperation and adherence to this safety protocol.
Please email questions to Joseph Tripodo, M-W Director of Security and Emergency Management, jtripodo@mw.k12.ny.us or call 845-460-7000, ext. 7039.
Thank you.
Warm regards,
Elsie Rodriguez
Superintendent of Schools