four women and one man holding a giant check
Woman holding an award with hands clapping graphics
white text with purple background
hiring ad with student photos
purple background with white lines and the MW logo in the back. Text: NEWS Board of Education
purple and black text over grey background with large MW purple text
student musicians with pink background
snowflake background and family photo
snowman and snowflakes
black and purple background  with gold and purple text
students standing behind a christmas tree with yellow ribbon graphic
blue background with purple text and  cartoon of two stick figures walking up stairs
snowflake background, stockings in forefront and green and red lettering
blue and white background with white text
students sitting with white and blue book graphics
red background with gold circles and dessert graphics
woman wearing floral shirt holding a certificate
black text over cream background with blue and purple splats
pumpkins and acorn graphics over orange background
black text over cream background with graphics of presents