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October 13, 2022

Dear district families,

At last evening’s Monroe-Woodbury Board of Education meeting, Board Trustee Donald Beeler made an inappropriate comment related to the Newburgh Enlarged City School District. I want to assure you his remark in no way reflects the thoughts and opinions of this Board of Education and district leadership. 

We believe that education goes far beyond the classroom. Those who serve in leadership roles must model appropriate actions and behaviors. We believe that compassion, caring and empathy are the foundation of the work we do. This type of behavior is unacceptable and will be addressed.

Monroe-Woodbury highly values the collaborative relationships we have with our neighboring school districts, including Newburgh. Our mutual mission of caring for and educating students extends beyond school district borders and we remain committed to supporting our surrounding communities.

On behalf of the Board of Education, I sincerely apologize to the entire Newburgh community for Mr. Beeler’s comment.


Michael Ciriello


Monroe-Woodbury Board of Education