The following letter from the Monroe-Woodbury Board of Education was emailed and mailed via USPS to elected officials on Thursday, February 17, 2022.
February 16, 2022
The Honorable Kathy Hochul
Governor of the State of New York
New York State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Dr. Mary T. Bassett, Commissioner
New York State Department of Health
Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12237
Dear Governor Hochul and Dr. Bassett,
As a school district serving 7,000 students, I am sure you are aware of the daily challenges resulting from this long-term pandemic. While our students and staff continue to diligently follow health and safety mandates set forth by the state, we respectfully request that you carefully consider next steps as it relates to mask mandates in school districts.
For more than two years our students and staff have adapted to many regulations in an effort to maintain as much in-person instruction as possible. In the height of the pandemic, they quickly pivoted to fully remote teaching and learning, then hybrid, and slowly but surely we have reestablished a full presence in our schools. These abrupt transitions have taken an emotional toll on our students, staff and school community as a whole.
Positive COVID-19 cases in our schools and communities have decreased significantly in recent weeks and vaccinations, boosters and testing are readily available for all members of the school community. Everyone has done their part to bring the district back to some semblance of normalcy. I respectfully request that now you do yours.
If the state is unwilling to immediately allow parent choice for mask wearing, it is imperative to provide reasonable, achievable metrics, based upon regional positivity rates. Our families need to know when masking rules will be changed for all individuals in the school setting.
By releasing a detailed plan with measurable benchmarks for masking expectations, it will help sustain acceptance of rules while they remain necessary. Monroe-Woodbury appreciates the support of our elected officials for this initiative.
Thank you for your consideration.
Staci McCleary
Monroe-Woodbury Board of Education
Karl A. Brabanec, New York State Representative
James Skoufis, New York State Senator
Colin J. Schmitt, New York State Assemblyman
Steven M. Neuhaus, County Executive