Monroe Woodbury C.S.D. has been allocated federal funding as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). New York State, as part of the enacted 2021-2022 State budget, requires school districts receiving ARPA funding to post a plan for the use of these funds. Monroe-Woodbury intends to use the District’s ARPA funding, totaling approximately $8,714,675, to continue the safe return of students to in person instruction, while addressing the academic and social and emotional needs of students impacted by remote learning and the COVID19 pandemic.
Federal funds will be used for facilities improvements that address the limitations of the District’s HVAC systems with the goal of enhancing air filtration in school buildings and enhancing the efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of these systems.
Additional instructional and counseling staff will be hired to provide academic and social/emotional support to students. This support will take the form of new psychologist and guidance position(s) and additional support for the District special education program. Furthermore, a robust and comprehensive summer school program is planned for each of the next two to three years. These summer school programs will address academic learning loss that may have occurred as a result of the pandemic and the social and emotional needs of students through academic oriented enrichment activities. These programs will be full day, address a multitude of academic areas including art and music and be free and open to all students, in all grades. Information collected from parent and community surveys was used in the design and development of the summer school program. The plans for the ARPA spending are subject to change based on student academic and emotional need, community preference and evolving priorities.
The District is seeking input and public comment from parents, teachers and other stakeholders regarding the use of these federal funds. Please contact Mr. Patrick Cahill at 845-460-6240 or send email to to provide comments.