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On Saturday, March 1, 2025, eight Monroe-Woodbury teams from five schools put their skills to the test and participated in the 46th annual Odyssey of the Mind competition.

Teams competed in five different problems that encompass vehicle, technical, classics, structure and theatrical. Each team received its problem in early October and then constructed props and mechanisms to prepare the best solution to the challenge. The tasks include a skit or performance that is an original creation. The Middle School team led by Coach McInerney and Coach Rivera earned a spot in the state competition with problem #2 from the technical division and will be competing on April 5, 2025 in Syracuse! Best of luck, Crusaders!

Congratulations to all M-W Odyssey of the Mind participants!

photos of students on Odyssey teamsstudents on odyssey teamstudents on odyssey team

TEAM JOHNSON (HS) Placed 2nd for Problem #5: Div. III.
Advay Aravind, Dylan Escobar, Dani Gunning, Lauren Mueller, Taneesha Zohora, Nicole Ottavio, Machli Leger

TEAM MCINERNEY/RIVERA (MS) Placed 1st for Problem #2: Div. II.
Angelina Sofia Felix, Alyssa Johnson, Matthew Joseph, Madison Kamfoi, Samir Malik, Michael Rivera, Ellie Vergara

TEAM MCINERNEY/RIVERA (MS) Placed 4th for Problem #1: Div. II.
Nyia Amegavi, Kamaya Bennett, Sophia Diaz, Madison Joseph, Erin Murray, Ava Sethna, Scarlett Van Nostrand

TEAM CALABRESE (MS) Placed 3rd for Problem #5: Div. II.
Naomi Cao, Julianna Ferrara, Charlotte Wittrock, Devansh Shah, Dylan Singh, Melanie Koeva, Michael Alappat

TEAM MANDARINO/IMHOF (PT) Placed 4th for Problem #3: Div. I.
Nicholas Campbell, Jonathan D’Ambroso, Kaeli Diaz, Nathaniel Durojaiye, Sofia MacKenzie, Killian O’Connor, Jayden Rivera

TEAM MANDARINO/IMHOF (PT) Placed 6th for Problem #5: Div. I.
Maeve Adler, Aleksey Elisseenko, Ayan Gilani, Laith Haredy, Natalie Lexandra, Julia Mahoney, Logan Mendoza

TEAM GRISAITIS (NM) Placed 4th for Problem #4: Div. I.
Jaiden Calub, Charlie Dang, Mathew Grisaitis, Alessandra Johnmar, Eliana Lajara, Santino Lajara, Christian Slusarz

TEAM BRODSKY/FRANCOIS (CVE) Placed 10th for Problem #3: Div. I.
Nichole Daley, Anna Jacobs, Tyler Kamfoi, Shiv Kublall, Sasikorn Lynch, Natalie McKay, Jack O’Connell