four students wearing blue, white and tie die shirts with four teachers wearing pink, green and blue shirts

Several sixth grade middle school students continued with the #attitudeofgratitude initiative and shared why they are grateful for their teachers.

Kayla’s #attitudeofgratitude message hails Mrs. Bacsardi for being “the best social studies teacher,” who is “always so positive.” 

Miranda expressed why Mrs. Campbell is recognized in her #attitudeofgratitude message. Miranda shared, “Every day you reveal your kind heart towards me and that reminds me that everything will be okay.”

Josiah presented his math teacher, Mrs. Gaffney, with an #attitudeofgratitude message sharing, “you help me whenever I’m not focused and it helped me boost my grade,” and “you are always in a good mood for a fun activity.”

Hailey thanked Mrs. Agnello in her #attitudeofgratitude message for being “inspiring” and “so nice to me.”

graphic of turkey and red letters in noteHand written note over graphic of turkey

hand written note over graphic turkey

hand written note over turkey graphic

Thank you, to all of these teachers for creating a warm learning environment.