Congratulations to Class of 2023 Valedictorian Madeline Williams and Salutatorian Jamie Calub!

Madeline Williams, Valedictorian, MWHS Class of 2023
College: North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina Major: Animal Science on the pre-vet track, specializing in equine and livestock care
Activities/sports/groups you are involved in at M-W: In M-W: Tri-M Music Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, National Honor Society, played the cello in Symphonic Orchestra for 3 years, played the cello in Chamber Orchestra this year, Cross-Country and Track and Field for two years, STARS during my sophomore year, participated in NYSSMA for 7 years, performed in Rhythm and Rhyme this year Outside M-W: work as a barn assistant and receptionist at Winslow Therapeutic Center, work as a farm hand at Serenity Rock Farms, Volunteered at Museum Village for two years, member of Girl Scouts for 13 years, horseback riding
Awards/recognitions: Girl Scout Bronze Award, Girl Scout Silver Award, Girl Scout Gold Award, Scholar Athlete Awards, Comprehensive Diploma, Biliteracy Seal (English and Spanish), accepted into American Music Abroad (an orchestra that travels to Europe and plays concerts in numerous countries), anticipated Seal of Civic Readiness
Favorite memory of your time at M-W: My favorite memory of my time at MW was by far Junior Prom. From start to finish, the whole experience was like being in a Disney Princess movie. I got my nails done, then my hair, then my makeup, and finished it off by slipping into my flowery lavender dress and sparkly heels. The pictures and limo ride followed and then everyone danced the night away. It was so magical and I do not think that the smile disappeared once from my face that whole day.
How has M-W helped prepare you for the future? MW has helped me prepare for my future by continuing to challenge me year after year. Before high school I never really had to study too much in order to succeed. Everything came pretty naturally to me. Before I knew it, I was thrown right into high school. Classes were harder, I was a part of lots of clubs and groups both inside and outside of school, I had a job, and I had to balance everything with my social life. MW has taught me that it is possible to do all of this, as long as you keep a few things in mind. You cannot overwhelm yourself, you need to stay organized, taking time for yourself is extremely important, and you should never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. I will take these lessons with me to college and beyond where they will help me in continuing to succeed.
In 10 years, I hope I am… graduated from veterinary school and working towards opening my own practice. I hope to have a nice house out in the country, be married, and building my own family. I'd like to own my own horse ranch and have a few champion belt buckles for barrel racing.
Advice for younger students: My advice to all remaining students at MW high school and all incoming students is to get involved inside and outside of the classroom! People will tell you that the only purpose of high school is to prepare you for your next step. Although this is true, you cannot only focus on this. High school is also the time to have fun and discover new interests and talents. Work to form great relationships with your teachers because trust me there is a lot more to them than meets the eye. By forming these relationships, your learning experience will improve and these teachers will ACTUALLY be able to write about you in letters of recommendation and references. Join clubs, volunteer, and find activities you love to make your high school experience one to remember!
Anyone you want to thank?
This exceptional dream of being the Valedictorian could not have come true without some very special people in my life. I would first like to thank our Lord as well as all of my guardian angels looking down. Even when things looked like they were heading south, everything always turned out alright in the end. I would like to thank my mother and father for always supporting me through everything. They were a true source of motivation for me from packing little notes in my lunchbox since preschool to helping me navigate the crazy waters of high school and college applications. My sister, Emily, and my brother, Sean, were absolutely my biggest fans. They always had my back and made the stressful days some of the best ones with ice cream and cheesy Netflix shows. My second family over at Winslow Therapeutic Riding Center was always rooting for me and they are some of the most genuine and loving individuals I have ever known. I also had the honor of having an AMAZING group of friends, many of whom I have known since elementary school. Looking back at all the laughs and memories puts such a big smile on my face. A special shout out goes to Samantha and Elizabeth Apostolico who are the perfect examples of everything a best friend should be. I would also like to thank my amazing boyfriend, Paul Belmont IV, for making every day sweeter and always reminding me that I can handle anything that comes my way. Lastly, a special thanks goes out to all the faculty and staff at MW who have all helped me in some way throughout my time here! Even though confusion appeared on my face a lot these last couple years, your time and effort to help me understand played a big role in where I am now. Thank y'all so much for all your love and support!

Jamie Calub, Salutatorian, MWHS Class of 2023
College: Stony Brook University; Stony Brook, New York
Major: Computer Science Activities/sports/groups you are involved in at M-W: National Art Honor Society (part of mural artist team @ Woodbury Commons), French Honor Society, Math Honor Society (Secretary), National Honor Society, Odyssey of the Mind, Treble Choir, Drama Club (stage crew member and a lead actress) Awards/recognitions: Grand Prize winner in the Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Council of Orange County's annual poster contest, OMER's award for New York State Odyssey of the Mind pin designs, Participant in Congressional Art Competition, part of ORANGE COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL 2023 "The Arts Build Confidence" Student Arts Showcase, part of OCAC 2021 Arts Build Confidence Virtual Exhibition, National Merit Commended Scholar
Favorite memory of your time at M-W: My favorite memory was singing “On My Own” in Monroe Woodbury’s production of Les Miserables. It was a big turning point for me, as I’m not particularly outgoing nor did I have much experience with being an actress in a musical. Goes to show that being courageous and trying new things - even in senior year, or when you think it might be too late - can be worth it.
How has M-W helped prepare you for the future? I felt that I had plenty of opportunities to be academically and creatively challenged at Monroe-Woodbury. With a wide selection of unique courses and extracurriculars that are easily accessible, my only regret is not having the time to join more of them. I've learned collaboration from Odyssey and mural painting, I've learned the importance of consistent commitment from AP Calculus BC and Les Misérables rehearsals, and I've learned how to self-direct my education from my Science Research project. All of these experiences have prepared me for the next level of independence at college.
In 10 years, I hope I am… No matter what, I hope I’m able to combine my affinity for STEM with my artistic skills. Currently, I want to develop an app for use in art therapy, but honestly, I’m open to exploring more options in college. By then, my sisters will be attending college and I hope I will be able to support their educational journeys as well.
Advice for younger students: 1. Find someone or something that makes it worth getting up at 5:30 in the morning. 2. Don’t underestimate the importance of a strong support system. 3. Your value as a person is not dependent on your success. 4. If you take on too much, something gonna give. Prioritize. 5. Go to bed at a normal time or you won’t act like yourself. 6. Mistakes hurt, but it’s the only way to grow. 7. If you're able, try the school paninis. They're so good.
Anyone you want to thank? I would like to thank Madame Greenblatt for her consistent enthusiasm and encouragement, Mr. Agro for the practical life lessons, and Ms. Pacht for taking a chance on me. I would also like to give a shoutout to the art department, French department, and music/theatre departments as a whole because all the teachers and students in these programs have really felt like homes away from home for me.