Each month, the Monroe-Woodbury Central School District recognizes school buses where students demonstrate characteristics of a true Crusader: respectful, compassionate and well behaved. These buses represent a collaborative effort by students, drivers and attendants who work as a team to keep the bus safe.
Congratulations to our honorees!
Bus 543 - Middle School (and High School) - Driver: Maria Neuser
They are a great bunch of kids. I can always count on them to behave and to follow my directions. Over two years, I have watched them transform into respectful young adults. It's truly a pleasure to have all of them. They deserve to be bus of the year!
Bus 601 - Central Valley - Driver: Javier Sanchez
My Central Valley students have shown great improvement with bus rules as well as friendship and cooperation with each other. Some students even remove loose seat belts from the aisle so other students don't trip on them. They show genuine care and concern for each other. They help each other when personal belongings slide off the seats onto the floor, they make each other laugh and care for each other when they're sad. It brings a smile to my face to see them all around each other like a big family.
Bus 608 - Pine Tree - Driver: Patricia Fusco

Austin is always very polite and friendly; always saying “hello, good morning” and “goodbye, see you tomorrow.” He puts his seat belt right on, and always lets me know if a student left something on the bus. He is a pleasure to drive every day.
Bus 608 - Smith Clove - Driver: Patricia Fusco
The students on Bus 608 are a pleasure to transport each day. They are aware of the importance of following bus safety rules, especially the need to wear their seat belts. They are respectful and kind to each other, their driver and their attendant every day.
Bus 603 - Central Valley - Driver: Kim Gulick
My Central Valley children are good at following bus rules. They are very respectful to me and each other. My students who cross the street are great at watching for the signal.
Congratulations, Crusaders. Thank you for being such wonderful bus riders!