Who to contact for questions
If families have a question or concern about a specific aspect of their experience with Monroe-Woodbury CSD, following the chain of command should resolve the issue quickly.
First step: Coach; if not resolved:
Second step: Athletic Director Bryan Wilson, bwilson@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Third step: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Eric Hassler, ehassler@mw.k12.ny.us
Board of Education
First step: District Clerk Taryn Clark, tclark@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Second step: Board of Education President Dawn Tauber, dtauber@mw.k12.ny.us
Budget Questions
First step: District Treasurer Michael Buffamante, buffamante@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Second step: Assistant Superintendent for Business & Management Services Patrick Cahill, pcahill@mw.k12.ny.us
Building and Facilities Use
First step: Caroline Hewitt, chewitt@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Second step: Athletic Director Bryan Wilson, bwilson@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Third step: Assistant Superintendent for Business & Management Services Patrick Cahill, pcahill@mw.k12.ny.us
Classroom issues involving student or instruction and curriculum
First step: Classroom teacher; if not resolved:
Second step: Department Chair; if not resolved:
Third step: Building Principal; if not resolved:
Fourth step: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction UPK-5 Matthew Kravatz, mkravatz@mw.k12.ny.us
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction 6-12 Eric Hassler, ehassler@mw.k12.ny.us
Clubs and Activities
First step: Activity Advisor; if not resolved:
Second step: Building Principal; if not resolved:
Third step: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Eric Hassler, ehassler@mw.k12.ny.us
Communications: Social media, website concerns
First step: MWCSD Communications, communications@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved :
Second step: Community Relations Coordinator Carole Spendley, cspendley@mw.k12.ny.us
See Code of Conduct
First step: Classroom teacher; if not resolved:
Second step: Building Principal; if not resolved:
Third step: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction UPK-5 Matthew Kravatz, mkravatz@mw.k12.ny.us
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction 6-12 Eric Hassler, ehassler@mw.k12.ny.us
First step: Human Resources Coordinator Tara Mapes, tmapes@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Second step: Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Lori Hock, lhock@mw.k12.ny.us
Food and Nutrition
First step: Building Cafeteria Manager; if not resolved:
Second step: Building Principal; if not resolved:
Third step: Director of Food Services Marilyn Prestia SNS, mprestia@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Fourth step: Assistant Superintendent for Business & Management Services Patrick Cahill: pcahill@mw.k12.ny.us
Medical Concerns
First step: School nurse; if not resolved:
Second step: Building Principal; if not resolved:
Third step: K-12 District Health Service Coordinator Dr. Lisa Sassi, esassi@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Fourth step: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction UPK-5 Matthew Kravatz, mkravatz@mw.k12.ny.us
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction 6-12 Eric Hassler, ehassler@mw.k12.ny.us
Parent Portal
First step: Main Office staff; if not resolved:
Second step: Building Principal; if not resolved:
Third step: Assistant Superintendent for Compliance & Information Systems Bhargav Vyas, bvyas@mw.k12.ny.us
First step: Main Office staff; if not resolved:
Second step: Building Principal; if not resolved:
Third step: Director of Education Support Services Nicole Cook, ncook@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Fourth step: Assistant Superintendent for Compliance & Information Systems Bhargav Vyas: bvyas@mw.k12.ny.us
Register students
First step: Registrar Diane Gentile, dgentile@mw.k12.ny.us
Safety & Security
First step: Building Principal; if not resolved:
Second step: Director of Security and Emergency Management Joseph Tripodo, jtripodo@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Third step: Assistant Superintendent for Business & Management Services Patrick Cahill, pcahill@mw.k12.ny.us
Special Education/Student Support Services
First step: Special Education teacher; if not resolved:
Second step: Building Special Education Department Chair; if not resolved:
Third step: Building Principal; if not resolved:
Fourth step: Director of Special Education (secondary or elementary) or Director Pupil Personnel Services; if not resolved:
Fifth step: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction UPK-5 Matthew Kravatz, mkravatz@mw.k12.ny.us
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction 6-12 Eric Hassler, ehassler@mw.k12.ny.us
First step: District Tax Collector
Second step: District Treasurer Services Michael Buffamante, buffamante@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Third step: Assistant Superintendent for Business & Management Services Patrick Cahill, pcahill@mw.k12.ny.us
First step: Bus Driver/Bus Monitor; if not resolved:
Second step: Building Principal; if not resolved:
Third step: Director of Transportation Jessie Lazar, jlazar@mw.k12.ny.us; if not resolved:
Fourth step: Assistant Superintendent for Business & Management Services Patrick Cahill, pcahill@mw.k12.ny.us
If you have followed the steps and do not have a resolution, please contact Superintendent of Schools Dr. Tracy Norman, tnorman@mw.k12.ny.us