School Tax Bill Information - 2024
Reminder: School taxes are due by Tuesday, October 1, 2024
A reminder to all Monroe-Woodbury residents that school taxes are due by Tuesday, October 1, 2024. The Monroe-Woodbury Central School District is now offering residents the opportunity to pay their school tax bills online. Paying online is convenient and provides residents with instant proof of payment. A quick link to the online payment service is located on the homepage of the district website. Questions may be directed to the district’s tax office at 845-460-6276. Thank you!
Notice of Tax Collection for the Towns of Monroe, Woodbury, Blooming Grove, Chester and Tuxedo
School tax bills are mailed to taxpayers at the end of August every year. School tax bills are also available on the following website:
Methods of Payment:
Safe, Secure & Easy
Instant proof of payment
Convenience fee – $1.50/transaction for electronic check; 2.65% for debit/credit card with $3.00 minimum/transaction
Scroll down to “Monroe-Woodbury CSD”
At the search screen, ONLY enter your bill number; do not enter any other information.
Choose to pay a single installment or your balance in full.
You will be directed to a secure server – follow the onscreen instructions to process your payment.
Payment defaults to debit/credit card with a 2.65% convenience fee – $3.00 minimum.
To use an electronic check for only $1.50 – YOU MUST CLICK the “Pay with E-check” tab
Fees are charged separately and paid directly to the online payment service.
Please note the Installment payment option will only be available online.
2 – MAIL - Please make sure any automatic payments you have set up with your bank reflect the correct address.
Monroe-Woodbury CSD
P.O. Box 97, Central Valley, NY. 10917
Check or money order payable to: MWCSD
All payments must include a phone number.
Payment must be postmarked by 10/1/24 to avoid penalties.
3 – Payment Drop Off
Mon.– Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Monroe-Woodbury Education Center
278 Route 32, Central Valley, NY 10917
Drop off availability follows the school calendar in terms of building closings or delayed openings
Call 845-460-6276
Additional Notes for 2024
Payments should be mailed to MWCSD, PO Box 97, Central Valley, NY 10917 (see payment option 2).
For your convenience we will have a drop off option for taxpayers who prefer to drop off a payment (see payment option 3).
Payments can be made by check, money order or credit card.
The district is no longer able to accept cash payments.
Make checks payable to: Monroe-Woodbury Central School District
Post-dated checks will be returned immediately
Please include a phone number with all payments.
Installment payments will only be available online (see payment option 1) – If you choose to pay in installments, please pay attention to amounts due and deadlines. The installment plan has very specific amounts and guidelines.
Tax Payment Schedule – 2024
Tax Payments prior to November 1
Payments using one of the above 3 payment methods through School District Tax Collector’s office:
No penalty is charged if payment is made on or before October 1.
2 % penalty – Payments made between October 2-31
3% penalty – Payments made November 4
The school district cannot accept payments after November 4
Tax Payments – November 4-15
Payments made at the Orange County Commissioner of Finance:
Contact the Commissioner of Finance in Goshen, NY at (845) 291-2480 for payment information.
3% penalty – Payments at Orange County Commissioner of Finance until 5:00 p.m. on November 15.
The Orange County Commissioner of Finance will not accept payment after November 15.
Payments after November 15
After November 15 unpaid school taxes are re-levied onto the taxpayer’s January property tax bill along with additional penalties. Please contact your local Town Assessor for further information regarding delinquent taxes.
Additional notes:
If you believe your bank or mortgage company escrows for your taxes (your monthly mortgage amount includes a tax escrow payment) and you receive a tax bill, please forward your bill to the bank or company holding your mortgage.
Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve you of your responsibility for payment.
It also will not constitute cause for cancellation of any penalty if the bill becomes delinquent. (New York State Real Property Tax Law 922) If you do not receive a tax bill, please contact the tax collector at the number above to obtain a copy of your tax bill.
The district participates in STAR tax reduction and has also adopted a Veterans’ Tax Exemption.
STAR Program Information
The School Tax Assessment Relief (STAR) program provides eligible homeowners in New York State with relief on their property taxes.
If you’re a STAR recipient, you receive the benefit in one of two ways:
The STAR credit program (open to any eligible homeowner whose income is $500,000 or less)—you receive a check in the mail from the NYS Tax Department to apply to your school taxes
The STAR exemption program (now closed to new applicants)—you receive a direct reduction on your school tax bill in the form of a property tax exemption
The income limit for the Basic STAR exemption is now $250,000.
For more information:
The STAR program is not administered by the school district.
For more information, call the NYS Tax Department at (518) 457-2047 or visit
More Information
School Tax Collection Office
Education Center
278 Route 32
Central Valley, NY 10917
Fax: (845)460-6089
Town Assessors
Blooming Grove
(845)496-5223 (#5)
Town of Blooming Grove Tax InformationChester
(845)469-7000 #6
Town of Chester Tax InformationMonroe
Town of Monroe Tax InformationTuxedo
(845)351-5602 or (845) 351-5657
Town of Tuxedo Tax InformationWoodbury
(845)928-2439 (#224)
Town of Woodbury Tax Information