MWCSD School Safety Plan

2024-2025 District-Wide School Safety Plan

Table of Contents

Policy Statement/General Considerations and Planning Guidelines 

Monroe-Woodbury Board of Education – School Safety Plans and Teams

Building Level Emergency Response Teams and Plans

Annual Review and Report

Elements of the Comprehensive School Safety Plan

Risk Reduction/Prevention and Intervention Strategy

School Resource Officer Program

NYS - Emergency Response Protocol (SHELL)

Implementation of School Security

Early Detection of Potential Violent Behavior and Training

Hazard Identification

Response to Violence





Disciplinary Measures

Code of Conduct

Emergency Response Protocols Notifications and Activation

Bomb Threats

Hostage Taking


Kidnapping or Missing Person

Responses to Self-Harm and Suicide Ideology

Responses to Acts of Violence (Actual)

Response Protocols

School Building Chain of Command Table

Emergency Assistance and Advice from Local Government

District Resources Use and Coordination

Protective Action Options

School Cancellation

Early Dismissal

Power Interruption

Family Reunification Procedures

Forms and Recordkeeping

Post Incident Review

Emergency Remote Instruction Plan

Report of School Closure and Report of School Reopening

Emergency Contact Information


 Village of Harriman

Village of Monroe

Town of Woodbury

New York State Police


(845) 782-6644

(845) 782-8644

(845) 928-2341

(845) 782-8311


(845) 782-8386

(845) 782-6791

(845) 928-6070


(845) 783-4421

(845) 782-8341

(845) 928-7578


(845) 783-4421

(845) 782-8341

(845) 928-6770

Policy Statement/General Considerations and Planning Guidelines

Monroe-Woodbury Board of Education School Safety Plans and Teams

Emergencies and violent incidents in schools are critical issues that must be addressed in an expeditious and effective manner.  The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to review, maintain and adopt a comprehensive Districtwide School Safety Plan and building-level emergency response plans regarding violence prevention, crisis intervention, emergency response and management.

Taken together, the districtwide and building level plans provide a comprehensive approach to addressing school safety and violence prevention, and provide the structure where all individuals can fully understand their roles and responsibilities for promoting the safety of the entire school community.  The plans shall be designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the district’s coordination with federal, state, county and local  resources.  The plans shall also address risk reduction/prevention, response and recovery with respect to a variety of types of emergencies and violent incidents in district schools.

In accordance with state law and regulations, the district shall have the following school safety teams and plans to deal with violence prevention, crisis intervention and emergency response and management:

District-wide School Safety Team and Plan

The Board will annually appoint a Districtwide school safety team that includes, but is not limited to, a representative from the following stakeholders: the Board, teachers, administrators, parent organizations, law enforcement, school safety personnel and other school personnel, as well as other individuals as may be determined by the Board. This team is responsible for the development and annual review of the comprehensive Districtwide School Safety Plan. The plan shall cover all district school buildings and shall address violence prevention, (taking into consideration a range of programs and approaches that are designed to create a positive school climate and culture) crisis intervention, emergency response and management including communication protocols, at the district level. It shall include all those elements required by law and regulation.

The Board may also appoint a student representative to the districtwide school safety team. However, no confidential building-level emergency response plans shall be shared with the student member, nor shall the student member be present during discussion of any confidential building-level emergency response plans, or confidential portions of the districtwide emergency response strategy.

The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee shall be the district’s chief emergency officer, and shall coordinate communication between school staff and law enforcement and first responders. The chief emergency officer shall ensure that all staff understand the Districtwide School Safety Plan, and

shall also ensure that building-level emergency response plans are completed, reviewed annually, and updated as needed, to maintain security. In accordance with law, the building-level emergency response plan(s) shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Law or any other law.

Building-level emergency response teams and plans

Each Building Principal shall be responsible for appointing a school safety team annually that includes representation from teachers, administrators, parent organizations, school safety personnel, other school personnel, local law enforcement officials, local ambulance and other emergency response agencies. The school safety team shall be responsible for the development and review of a building-level emergency response plan for each district building. The plans shall address communication, emergency response and evacuation at the building level and shall include all procedures required by law and regulation. The building-level emergency response teams and plan will conform to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidance about incident command structure and plain language.

Within each building, the school safety team shall designate:

  • An incident commander/building principal

  • An emergency response team that includes appropriate school personnel, local law enforcement officials and representatives from local, regional and/or state emergency response agencies to assist the school community in responding to a serious violent incident or emergency; and

  • A post-incident response team that includes appropriate school personnel, medical personnel, mental health counselors and other related personnel to assist the community in coping with the aftermath of a serious violent incident or emergency.

The Building Principal shall be responsible for conducting drills every school year using the emergency response procedures under this plan, including procedures for the following emergency actions: shelter-in-place, hold-in-place, evacuate, lockout, and lockdown (SHELL) and early dismissal.

Further, to maintain security and in accordance with law, the building-level emergency response plans shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Law or any other law.

Threat Assessment Team

The Building Principal, in consultation with the Superintendent, shall annually designate a threat assessment team to provide ongoing support and information in order to identify, and access individuals who may be potential threats to safety, with the intent of minimizing acts of violence in the school community. The threat assessment team may be composed of, but not limited to, the following personnel from both within the school and the larger community, as appropriate: building administrators, school nurse, school counselors, local mental health and social service providers, law enforcement, school resource officers, security personnel, bus drivers and facilities and maintenance personnel. The team shall endeavor to meet at a minimum, once a year. The team shall be mindful of the need for discretion and observance of confidentiality requirements.

Students shall be encouraged to bring their concerns to any district employee. If a district employee becomes aware of a threat to the school community, the Building Principal shall be informed and he/she will convene the threat assessment team. The Building Principal may require the participation of the following additional individuals who may have specific knowledge of the potential perpetrator: supervisors, teachers, students and parents. The Building Principal is responsible for keeping the Superintendent informed about the activities of the threat assessment team. Threat assessment team members shall receive appropriate training.

Annual Review and Report

All plans shall be annually reviewed and updated, if necessary, by the appropriate team by September 1st. In conducting the review, the teams shall consider any changes in organization, local conditions and other factors including an evaluation of the results of the annual test of the emergency response procedures which may necessitate updating of plans. If the plan requires no changes, then it shall remain in effect. If the Districtwide plan requires change, then the updated plan shall be submitted to the Board of Education in time to allow 30 days of public comment and to hold a public hearing which provides for the participation of school personnel, students and other interested parties prior to Board Adoption.

The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for filing the district-level school safety plan and any amendments to the plan with the Commissioner within 30 days after their adoption. Each Building Principal shall be responsible for updating and forwarding their building level safety plan to the district’s Chief Emergency Officer who shall distribute building level plans to the appropriate local law enforcement and state police within 30 days after their adoption.


Education Law ᶊ807 (1-2), (b) Fire & Emergency drills, amended, May 19, 2016

Education Law ᶊ2801-a (school safety plans)

Executive Law ᶊ2B (state and local natural and manmade disaster preparedness)

 8 NYCRR  part 155 (Educational Facilities)

New York State School Safety Plans Guidance, issued jointly by the New York State Education Department, New York State Police, New York State Office of Homeland Security and New York State Emergency Management Office, September, 2007

Elements of the Comprehensive School Safety Plan

  • General considerations and planning guidelines, risk reduction/prevention and intervention, response and recovery elements

  • Identification of sites of potential emergencies

  • Plans for responses to emergencies including school cancellation, early dismissal, evacuation, power interruption and sheltering

  • Responses to an implied or direct threat of violence

  • Responses to acts of violence

  • Prevention and intervention strategies including collaborative agreements with law enforcement trained; non-violent conflict resolution training; peer mediation programs, extended day and other school safety programs

  • Plans to contact law enforcement officials in the event of a violent incident and arrangements for receiving assistance from emergency and local government agencies

  • Plans for identification of district resources and coordination of such resources and manpower available during an emergency

  • Designation of the Chain-of-Command (Incident Command)

  • Plans to contact parents and guardians

  • School building security

  • Dissemination of information regarding early detection of potentially violent behavior

  • Plans to exercise and conduct drills to test the Emergency Response Plan including review of tests

  • Annual school safety training on the Emergency Response Protocol for all staff and students

  • Protocols for bomb threats, hostage-taking, intrusions and kidnapping

  • Strategies for improving communication and the reporting of potentially violent incidents

  • A description of the duties of school monitors and other school safety personnel with the requirements for training, hiring and the screening process for all personnel acting in a school safety capacity

  • Information about the school district including population, staff, transportation needs and contact information of key school officials

  • Documentation and recordkeeping

Risk Reduction, Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Public Health Problems Caused by Communicable Diseases

The District previously established a comprehensive “Back to School “ reopening plan for the 2021-2022 school year, following building closures due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In the event the COVID-19 virus or similar threat to public health becomes a concern these or similar protocols will be re-instituted based on recommendations and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the New York State Education Department (NYSED).

School Resource  Officer Program

The District has agreements with the Town of Woodbury and Village of Monroe Police Departments for the School Resource Officer (SRO) Program that maintains full day coverage at all seven district school buildings.  The role of the SRO is divided into three areas:

  • Educator

  • Informal Counselor

  • Law Enforcement Officer

All SRO’s participated in training by the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) and have been strategically assigned to each school.  The SRO shall not act as a school disciplinarian, as disciplining students is a school administration responsibility.

Other Safety Program Initiatives

  • Threat Assessment Teams/Districtwide and Building Level

  • Peer mediation programs/Safe School Ambassadors

  • Character Education and Anti-Violence Programs

  • Anti-bullying programs

  • The processes of exercising emergency plans (lockdown, sheltering, evacuation, etc.,) are reviewed with all students and they are given an opportunity to ask questions.  Specific training is provided on how to respond to emergency situations in various parts of the school building, i.e., classroom, cafeteria, auditorium, halls, etc.  Based on recent changes to NYS Education Department regulations, the District will endeavor to abide by these changes which include but are not limited to: notification of parents and guardians regarding upcoming drills, conducting drills in a trauma informed manner and including bus drivers and monitors on districtwide safety teams

  • The use of “Anonymous Alerts” anti-bullying/Safety reporting App for smartphones to augment the district's “See Something, say Something” initiative

The best way to train students and staff on emergency response procedures is through annual drills and exercises in each school building.  Based on the determination of the Districtwide School Safety Team and the Building-Level School Safety Team, at a minimum, the following methods may be used:

New York State - Emergency Response Protocol (SHELL)

o   Shelter-In-Place – Used to shelter students and staff inside the building.

o   Hold-In-Place – Used to limit movement of students and staff while dealing with short term emergencies.

o   Evacuate - Used to evacuate students and staff from the building.

o   Lockout - Used to secure school buildings and grounds during incidents that pose an imminent concern outside of the school.

o   Lockdown - Used to secure school buildings and grounds during incidents that pose an immediate threat of violence in or around the school.


  • Early Dismissal

  • Table Top exercises/Active Shooter

  • On-site Law Enforcement Tactical Training

  • Relocation and Rapid Bus Recall

  • Casualty Care

  • Family Reunification Protocols

The school district recognizes that evaluation of drills and exercises enhances understanding and improves response procedures.  As a result, the district will invite local agencies to participate in, and to help evaluate all exercises.  These agencies may include, but  are not limited to, the Police and Fire Departments, Rescue and Ambulance Services, Local Office of Emergency Management, and the BOCES Health & Safety and or School Safety Units.  At least one exercise will occur in each school building every school year.

Trauma-Informed Drills and Parent Notification

NYSED requires that drills: (1) be conducted in a trauma-informed, developmentally and age-appropriate manner; will not include props, actors, simulations, or other tactics intended to mimic a school shooting, incident of violence, or other emergency; and that students and staff be informed when a school is conducting a drill; (2) occur after annual training in emergency procedures has been provided to students and staff; and (3) be completed on different days of the week and during different times of the school day. Parents will be notified when the buildings will be conducting drills. A safe and healthy school environment is critical for students and staff.

Implementation of School Security

Appropriate school building security measures and procedures have been determined by the Districtwide School Safety Team and Building-Level School Safety Team after review of school building procedures and practices, security surveys, and building-level occupant surveys.  Based on these findings, we have implemented the following security measures:

  • Use of visitor management and visitor screening software. Visitors will be processed through our web based visitor management system prior to entry at all schools.

  • Visitor credential exchange program. 

  • Security reviews by local law enforcement and other agencies and partners such as BOCES. 

  • Random searches may be considered, if deemed necessary, inclusive of K-9.

  • We will employ any other methods deemed necessary and constantly review our practices.

  • All district and school staff shall undergo annual training on the Emergency Response Actions and Plan.

Early Detection of Potential Violent Behavior and Training

The Districtwide School Safety Team will make recommendations for appropriate annual training for students and staff in violence prevention. Training will include early warning signs of potentially violent behavior and early intervention/prevention strategies. Training will be conducted by in-house staff, local agencies or others as deemed appropriate. Training for students and staff will be conducted annually and include:

  • An explanation of what constitutes school violence and a description of the School Code of Conduct.  

  • A description of the school district’s Violence Prevention Program and Safety Plan.

  • Information on how to report incidents of violence including threats and verbal abuse.

  • How to recognize and respond to school security hazards.

  • Review of measures implemented to prevent school violence such as use of verbal de-escalation skills on how to defuse a hostile situation.

  • How to summon assistance in the event of an emergency.

  • Special procedures for bomb threats, hostage-taking, intrusions and kidnapping.

  • Post-incident procedures including medical follow-up and the availability of counseling and referral as needed.

  • How to recognize and respond to implied or direct threats of violence by students against themselves inclusive of suicide prevention.

Other methods for informing parents and students may include:

  • School Resource Officer (SRO) presentations

  • Open forum/group discussions

  • School social worker outreach

  • School Counselor involvement

  • Anger Management programs

  • Anti-Bullying program

  • Child Abuse prevention

  • Suicide Prevention

  • Safe School Ambassadors Program (SSA)

Hazard Identification

As part of each Building-Level Emergency Response Plan, each Building-Level School Safety Team will determine sites of potential hazards that may impact the individual school building.  Such sites may include, but not be limited to, areas in or around all school buildings, playground areas, properties adjacent to schools, off-site athletic fields, buses and off-site field trips.

Response to Violence

All incidents of violence, whether or not physical injury has occurred (verbal abuse, threats of violence, etc.), should be reported immediately and documented on the Incident Report Form.  With the realization that employees and students may otherwise be reluctant to come forward, we will maintain confidentiality.  Individuals will be assured that there will be no reprisal for reporting their concerns.

The School Building Principal/Administrator or Designee will be responsible for receiving and responding to all incident reports including anonymous reports.

Once an incident has been reported, and depending on its severity, the School Building Principal/Administrator or Designee will assume responsibility as the Incident Commander until transfer to local law enforcement and the Superintendent.

  • Report it to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

  • Secure the area where the disturbance has occurred. (Crime scene preservation)

  • Ensure the physical safety/medical management of students/staff remaining in the area as soon as possible. (Medical triage)

  • Ensure that while responding to the incident, the remainder of the building remains appropriately supervised.

  • Quickly assess the area of the incident to determine damage as a result of the incident and if it is safe to remain.  If necessary, evacuate or shelter as per School Building Emergency Response Plans.

  • Provide incident debriefing to students/staff, as needed.  Notify parents.


After the incident has occurred, members of the Building Level School Safety Team will conduct an investigation.  It is the purpose of the building level safety team to focus on facts that may prevent reoccurrence.  The building level safety team will:

  • Collect facts on how the incident occurred.

  • Record information.

  • Identify contributing causes.

  • Recommend corrective action.

  • Encourage appropriate follow-up.

  • Consider changes in controls, policies and procedures.


The school district recognizes the importance of responding quickly and appropriately to the medical and psychological needs of students/staff following exposure to a violent incident. All individuals affected by a violent act in the school district will be provided with appropriate medical and psychological treatment and follow-up. Provisions for medical confidentiality and protection from discrimination will be included to prevent the victims of violent incidents from suffering further loss.


Members of the Districtwide School Safety Team are responsible for ensuring that a periodic school building security assessment is conducted under the direction and supervision of the Chief Emergency Officer. These evaluations will focus on the identification and assessment of school building security hazards and address necessary changes in building practices. These evaluations will review the potential for different types of violent incidents, including active shooter, bomb threats, hostage-taking, intrusions and kidnapping. Professionals will be utilized from local law enforcement and private consultants, as necessary.

Disciplinary Measures

The school district Code of Conduct will be the basis for determining the appropriate disciplinary measures that may be necessary.

Code of Conduct

The School district has created a detailed Code of Conduct to describe the expected behavior of students, staff and visitors to school buildings and the disciplinary actions resulting for violations of the Code. The Code, which will be communicated to all students/staff and parents, will serve as a major component of our violence prevention program. The Code will be evaluated annually and revised as necessary to reflect changes in school policies and procedures. A copy of the Code of Conduct will be made available to students, parents, staff and community members.

Emergency Response Protocols Notification and Activation

Quick and accurate contact with appropriate law enforcement officials is essential in the event of a violent incident. These relationships have been established by participation of local response officials on School-Building Safety Teams. These individuals and appropriate means of contact are documented in the Building-Level Response Plan.

Internal communication is also of prime importance and will be specifically defined in the Building-Level Response Plan. Depending on the nature of the emergency, some of the communication methods will include telephone, fax/email, district radio system, NOAA weather radio, intercom, local media, emergency alert system, cellular phones and others as deemed necessary. Appropriate notifications and methods will be determined by the Districtwide School Safety Team.

The Superintendent of School recognizes his/her responsibility to notify all educational agencies within the school district of a disaster and has established the following notification list:

School - North Main

  • Roger Davis

  • Main Office (845) 460-6800

  • Health Office - X 6832

School - Pine Tree

  • Karin Morales

  • Main Office - (845) 460-6900

  • Health Office - X 6932

School - Central Valley

  • Mike Barone

  • Main Office - (845) 460-6700

  • Health Office - X 6732

School - Sapphire

  • Dolores Terlecky

  • Main Office - (845) 460-6500

  • Health Office - X 6532

School - Smith Clove

  • Christine Arlt

  • Main Office - (845) 460-6300

  • Health Office - X 6332

School - Middle School 

  • Christopher Berger

  • Main Office - (845) 460-6400

  • Health Office - X 6432

School - High School

  • Elisa Soto

  • Main Office - (845) 460-7000

  • Health Office - X 7032


  • Jessie Lazar

  • (845) 460-6010 X 6011

Education Center

  • Safety Officer

  • (8450 460-6200 X 6235

In general, parent/guardian notification will be conducted by means of text, email and phone blast of emergency contacts established in each school building.  However, in some cases it may be established with the appropriate media.

The school district recognizes that many different types of emergency situations may arise resulting in emergency specific responses.  A detailed listing of emergency responses is included in each School Building Emergency Response Plan specifically addressing Criminal Offenses, Fire and Explosion, Medical Emergencies, Natural Hazards, System Failure and Technological Hazards.  Each Building Level School Safety Team will be responsible for reviewing and updating these responses and communicating them to students and staff.  The following emergency situations are of prime importance:

Bomb Threats

All school district administrators have familiarized themselves with the Bomb Threat Standards outlined in the School Building Emergency Response Plan, so that appropriate decisions may be made depending on the exact nature of the situation.  Issues such as searches, pre-clearance, weather conditions, evacuation, sheltering, notification, returning to the building and false bomb threat prevention are addressed in the Building Plan.  A Bomb Threat Checklist will be available at phone reception areas as part of the school Building Training Pamphlet which will be distributed in each school building.

Hostage Taking

The School Building Emergency Response Plan/Hazard Specific Response Guide procedures will be followed in the event of a hostage situation.  In general, the following response actions will be taken:

  • The first person aware of the situation will immediately notify the Principal’s office and call local law enforcement.

  • The School Principal or designee will issue the appropriate code alert i.e., “Lockdown”, if necessary, and isolate the area.

  • The School Principal or designee will notify the School Superintendent.  No response to the media will be given at this time.

  • The School Principal or designee will turn over authority to the police upon their arrival and assist, as requested.


The School Building Emergency Response Plan/Hazard Specific Response Guide procedures will be followed in the event of an intrusion.  In general, the following response action will be taken:

  • The first person becoming aware of an intruder or suspicious person will immediately report this information to the Principal’s office and contact local law enforcement.

  • The Principal or designee will approach the intruder to determine the nature of his/her presence and ask him/her for identification.

  • The principal or designee will accompany the individual(s) to the proper office, or if no acceptable purpose can be ascertained, ask the individual(s) to leave.  The Principal, or designee should ensure that the individual(s) has exited the building and alert staff to prevent unrecognized re-entry.

  • If the individual(s) refuses to leave, inform him/her that he/she is in violation of the law and that the police will be notified.  Notify the building Principal/main office and call local law enforcement or other appropriate emergency notification.

  • If the situation escalates, the Standard Response Protocol “Lockdown” protocol will be initiated.

  • The School Superintendent’s office will be notified so appropriate resources can be made available to the school district.

  • The building Principal should be prepared to relinquish authority and assist the first emergency responder from the police or emergency services.

Kidnapping or Missing Person

The School Building Emergency Response Plan/Hazard Specific Response Guide procedures, will be followed in the event of a kidnapping.  In general, the following response action will be taken:

  • The School Superintendent will be notified.

  • During school hours, when a student has already been documented as present, the first person aware of a kidnapping or missing student will immediately notify the Principal's office who will obtain student information and photo ID. 

  • School building staff and security personnel will search the building and also utilize the public announcement system.

  • Parent/guardian will be notified.  If the student is not found, police will be notified.

  • The School Principal will immediately contact and turn over the demographic information and photograph to the police upon arrival and assist, as requested.  No information is to be released to the media.

  • The School Principal will turn over the investigation to the police upon arrival and assist, as requested.  No information is to be released to the media.

  • Parents will be notified immediately, if the student is located.

  • If alerted to a potential concern during the school day, when a student has not arrived at school or at home, parent or guardian will immediately be contacted.  Parents should be asked to contact the school if the student is located.

  • If student is not legally absent, he/she could be lost, a runaway, or truant (determine if any friends are also missing).

  • After school hours, when a student has not arrived at home, the school may be notified by a concerned parent/guardian. (law enforcement shall be notified)

  • Gather any information available on the student and his/her departure from school.

  • Advise parent/guardian to contact friends.

  • Advise parent/guardian to contact police if the student is not located.  School Principal or designee should be available for police investigation.

  • Ask parent/guardian to re-contact school if student is located

Responses to Acts of Self-Harm and Suicide Ideology

 Response actions in individual buildings will include:

  • The first person aware of suspected or confirmed instances of student self-injury will immediately notify the Principal.

  • The Principal will activate the appropriate threat assessment team for response, including the school psychologist and Director of Pupil Personnel Services, and notify the Superintendent, when necessary.

  • The Threat Assessment Team will ensure that the student receives appropriate care, including the care of wounds and an assessment for suspicion of self-injury or suicidality.

  • The Principal will act as, and/or identify liaison between student, parents, affected faculty/staff and peers.

  • When appropriate, parents will be encouraged to follow-up with an appropriate outside evaluation for the student.

  • The Principal will identify the needs for, and provide for continued support for the student.

  • The Principal will consider local law enforcement as a resource.

Responses to Acts of Violence (Actual)

The following procedures will be followed when responding to actual acts of violence:

  • The level of threat will be determined.

  • If necessary, the immediate area will be locked down or evacuated.

  • The Principal will inform the Superintendent or his/her designee.

  • Monitor situation, adjust response, as appropriate, and if necessary, initiate early dismissal, sheltering or other appropriate response.

Response Protocols

Response protocols to specific emergencies will vary but usually will include the following:

  • The incident command structure.

  • Identification of decision makers.

  • Plans to safeguard students and staff.

  • Procedures to provide transportation, if necessary.

  • Procedures to notify parents.

  • Procedures to notify media.

  • Debriefing procedures.

School Building Chain-of Command Table

School Building

High School

  • IC #1 (Principal) Elisa Soto

  • IC #2 (Assistant Principal) Jason McElroy

Middle School

  • IC #1 (Principal) Christopher Berger

  • IC #2 (Assistant Principal) Lori Elelman

Central Valley

  • IC #1 (Principal) Michael Barone

  • IC #2 (Assistant Principal) Marisol Jackson

Pine Tree

  • IC #1 (Principal) Karin Morales

  • IC #2 (Assistant Principal) Timothy Martin

North Main

  • IC #1 (Principal) Roger Davis

  • IC #2 (Assistant Principal) Amanda Greenblatt


  • IC #1 (Principal) Dolores Terlecky

  • IC #2 (MCC Staff) Nicole Cook, Bhargav Vyas

Smith Clove

  • IC #1 (Principal) Christine Arlt

  • IC #2 (Assistant Principal) Chana Markiewicz

Emergency Assistance and Advice from Local Government

Depending on the nature of the emergency, the school district may need to obtain assistance from local government agencies. During an emergency, the Superintendent or designee will contact local law enforcement to obtain emergency services. Other agencies that may be contacted to obtain assistance may include the Red Cross, Fire Department, Orange County Office of Emergency Management, Orange County Department of Mental Health, Orange-Ulster BOCES, District Superintendent, Private Industry Groups, Religious Organizations, among others. For specific assistance beyond the scope of the school district’s resources, the Orange County Office of Emergency Management will coordinate with State and Federal agencies and assist with all post-incident responses. These contacts are clearly delineated in the School Building-Level Plans. All such assistance and coordination is currently handled through the Orange County Office of Emergency Management.

District Resources Use and Coordination

School Building-Level Emergency Response Plans will address the identification, availability, and use of resources.  This will include procedures for coordination of these resources, including manpower and Incident Command Structure.

Protective Action Options

In addition to the five response actions outlined in the NYS Emergency Response: Shelter-In-Place, Hold-In-Place, Evacuate, Lockout, Lockdown, the School Building-Level Emergency Response Plans will address the following response actions, as determined by the nature of the emergency:

School Cancellation

  1. Monitor any situation that may warrant a school cancellation.

  2. Make determination utilizing procedures in place for snow emergencies.

  3. Local media is contacted utilizing procedures in place for snow emergencies.

  4. Utilize Power School to inform parents.

Early Dismissal

  1. Monitor situation and confer with the Superintendent’s Office.

  2. If conditions warrant, close school.

  3. Utilize Power School to inform parents.

  4. Set up information center for parent inquiries.

  5. Retain appropriate district personnel until all students have been returned home.

Power Interruption

  1. Monitor the situation and confer with the Superintendent's Office.

  2. If conditions warrant, close school.

  3. Utilize Power School to inform parents.

  4. Set up an information center for parent inquiries.

  5. Retain appropriate district personnel until all students have been returned home.

The School Building Emergency Response Teams and the Post-Incident Response Teams will be supported in their efforts by all available in-district resources and personnel as required by the nature of the emergency.  County and State resources and personnel will be obtained, as dictated by the nature of the emergency, and coordinated through the Superintendent of Schools or designee.

Family Reunification Procedures

Under the direction of the Chief Emergency Officer, the post incident response teams will initiate family reunification procedures.

Immediate Protocols will include but will not be limited to the following based on the event; 

  • District communication to all parents/guardians with designated locations for them to report which may include revised traffic patterns as developed by local enforcement subsequent to the investigation.  

  • District Administrators and support members on-scene to verify guardianship and the appropriate surrender of all students.  

  • Medical and mental health providers on scene and (staged accordingly) to assist as needed.


Forms and Recordkeeping
The success of our Violence Prevention Program will be greatly enhanced by our ability to document and accurately report on various elements of the program. This will allow us to monitor its success and update the program, as necessary.  Forms have been developed for this purpose and will be located in the Forms Section of the School Building-Level Emergency Response Plan.

Post Incident Review

Following all emergency incidents, a debrief should occur that includes members of the School District-Wide Safety Team and all other involved parties.  The minutes, inclusive of findings and recommendations, will be documented for follow up and accountability purposes.  The Superintendent shall be briefed of all facts and recommendations.

Emergency Remote Instruction Plan

As outlined in the District’s “Inspire Monroe-Woodbury 20-21” Reopening Plan, under the “Teaching and Learning” and “Remote Instruction” sections, our District has developed a hybrid/blended learning model and schedule that can continue in a fully remote environment.  Remote learning opportunities will include a greater emphasis on synchronous instruction, with teachers finding ways to provide live instruction and lessons to students.  There are three different remote models that the District will utilize: hybrid remote, students fully remote, and all students and staff fully remote if school buildings are closed.  The District will use its existing communication channels including email/text messages, the District website,, and District social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) as well as appropriate signage and training opportunities to support telecommuting.  The dissemination of consistent messages regarding new protocols and procedures, expectations, requirements and options related to school operations throughout the emergency will be available in English and Spanish.   In support of remote learning, the District has made computer devices available to all students and teachers.  The District provides students, teachers, parents, contractors and support staff multiple ways to contact schools, administrators and teachers during remote learning including Email, Google classroom, PowerSchool, Google Meeting or phone.

Report of School Closure and Report of School Reopening

In case of an emergency and a school building must close, the District will submit a Report of School Closure and a Report of School Reopening to the New York State Commissioner of Education.