PickATime Parent Teacher Conference Scheduling

PickATime is an online service that allows parents/guardians to plan and schedule conferences with their child(ren)’s teachers. As conference dates approach, the PickATime system is activated and links for each school are provided. PLEASE NOTE: Until the PickATime sites are opened, any existing school links will not work.

Spring 2025 PickATime Opens: Friday, February 21 at 12:00 AM.

Spring Parent-Teacher Conference Schedule

Please note: All Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held virtually.

Grades K-1:

  • Friday, March 7th: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm (Virtual)

  • Wednesday, March 12th: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm (Virtual)

  • Thursday, March 13th: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Virtual)

Grades 2-5:

  • Friday, March 7th: 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (Virtual)

  • Wednesday, March 12th: 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (Virtual)

  • Thursday, March 13th: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Virtual)

Grades 6-8:

  • Friday, March 7th: 12:30 pm - 2:45 pm (Virtual)

  • Wednesday, March 12th: 12:30 pm - 2:45 pm (Virtual)

  • Tuesday, March 18th: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Virtual)

Grades 9-12:

  • Friday, March 7th: 11:15 am - 2:00 pm (Virtual)

  • Wednesday, March 12th: 11:15 am - 2:00 pm (Virtual)

  • Tuesday, March 18th: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Virtual)

A few things to keep in mind when using PickATime:

Parent Teacher Conferences will be online using Google Meet appointments with each teacher.

Each appointment you make will have its own Google Meet link. You will need those links to join each of your Parent Teacher Conferences.

  1. A parent PickATime account must be created before it is possible to schedule conferences.

  2. Each school building has an individual PickATime link for scheduling conferences. Each school must be scheduled separately and will require a separate account for that school’s site.

  3. There are specific instructions below for parents whose children attend the same school and share the same teacher.

  4. When scheduling, be sure to leave enough time between appointments to allow some time for delays.

  5. There is an option to print the schedule when completed.

  6. Email reminders can also be set up.

PickATime will allow appointments to be scheduled for ONLY one date.

Appointments must be cancelled on PickATime at least 24 hours in advance or it will not be possible to re-schedule for a different date.

Questions about scheduling should be directed to the school main office.

Video Help for using Google Meet for Parent Teacher Conferences

PickATime Directions for Parents/Guardians

Register (new users)

Enter your email address and push “Login/Create Account”.

  1. Fill in the required fields and register.

Sign In

If you’ve previously registered, all you need to do is enter your email and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can select the Forgot Password button and a new password will be emailed to you.

Identify Student

For each child, enter in the two prompts that the school requires. They typically are a student ID and birthdate (Unless school instructions specify otherwise enter the birthdate in the following format mm/dd/yy).


Each colored square represents an available meeting time.

  1. The legend shows you which teacher corresponds to which color and the times increase as you go down the page. (Note: you will not see all of the teachers at your school, just the set of teachers that your children have classes with.)

  2. Click on a square to schedule that time. Make note of the Google Meet link for each conference you schedule. You can print your schedule when you are finished so you have all the links in one place.

  3. You will optionally have the choice of setting a time when you would like an email reminder to be delivered, and you will be prompted to enter in the name of your student.

  4. Click on: Create Appointment.

Repeat until you have a time with each teacher you’d like to visit with.

  • At any time you can click on: Printable Schedule and print the resulting web page to get a hard copy of your schedule. You will also have the option to email your schedule to yourself.

  • If you want to make changes to your schedule, you can log in at any time with the email address and password you used to create your account.

  • Click on: Your Schedule to display and hide your appointments. There will be links to change the time or cancel the appointment.

Please Note: if you would like to make an appointment with a teacher that your child does not have a class with, you will need to contact the school.

If you have any additional questions, please call the school.

IMPORTANT: If you have two or more children at the same school with the SAME teacher

You need to create 2 accounts at that school

  1. Register / Sign In with one parent/guardian’s name and email address and register.

  2. Schedule the first student’s conference time, and log out of the scheduler.

  3. Register / Sign In with a different parent/guardian’s name and email address and register.

  4. If you do not have a second email address you would like to use, simply use the following format: yourfirstname.yourlastname@noemail.com.

  5. Schedule the second student’s conference time and log out of the scheduler.

It is not necessary to do this if you have two or more children at the school with different teachers.

Parent FAQ

How do I create an account on PickATime?

Enter your email address and press the Login / Create Account button. On the next page you will be able to either register as a new parent in the system or enter in your password from the previous round of conferences.

Some schools remove all stored parent data at the start of the school year. In this case even if you used the PickATime scheduler previously you will need to register again.

I can’t remember my password. How can I sign in?

If you have forgotten your password — on the Scheduling page, click on the Forgot Password button. You will receive an email shortly with a link where you can reset your password. If you do not receive this email, check your spam or junk email box. Another option is to email support@pickatime.com and request a new password.

I have requested a password be sent to me by e-mail, but the e-mail didn’t arrive.

Requests for new passwords are processed immediately. If you do not receive the new password message, please check your spam or junk email box. If you still do not find it, you can email support@pickatime.com and ask for a password reset.

I’m entering in my student information, and I’m getting the message ‘not able to find student with the values entered’.

Each school should have provided specific prompts for you to fill in. Typically, these will be a studentID and the student birthdate. The student birthdate in most cases should be entered in the format mm/dd/yy (e.g. 04/12/99). Some schools will use the student first name + student last name (e.g. BenjaminFranklin) for the first prompt. If you continue to have trouble, email your school or email PickATime support at support@pickatime.com.

I’m on the PickATime website. How do I book my appointment from here?

Your school should have provided you with a very specific link to follow, which is not the PickATime corporate website. M-W school links are available in the More Information section above. If you are having trouble, contact the school main office or you can email support@pickatime.com with the name of your school and request the link.