Found on the Bus

Students leave many different things on buses every day. The type of item found determines how it is handled by bus drivers.

NOTE: Please DO NOT CALL the bus garage to ask if items have been located. Phone lines at the bus garage must be available for emergencies.

How various items are handled:

  • Electronics and valuables items (phones, iPads/Chromebooks, musical instruments* etc.) – will be delivered to the bus garage at the end of the day and listed on the spreadsheet below. Items not claimed by the last day of school will be donated to charity.

  • Items, which are clearly marked with the student’s name and school, such as *musical instruments, lunch boxes, clothing, books, notebooks, water bottles and other miscellaneous items – will be returned to the respective school’s office, via school courier, on the next school day.

  • Unmarked items will be returned to the school’s lost and found. Please check with your school.

To claim electronics and valuables:

  1. Check the spreadsheet below to see if they have been found.

  2. If the item is not listed, please wait until all buses have returned from their routes at the end of the day to check again.

  3. If the item is listed, it can be picked up at the bus garage, 27 Mine Road in Monroe between the hours of 7:30  a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

  4. Please note that identifying details of the item’s description will be required before it will be released.

  5. In the case of electronics, the charger MUST be brought to the bus garage to claim the item.