Bus Safety Handbook

2021-2022 COVID Protocols
Students and staff on district transportation are required to wear masks. Students with a disability that might prevent them from wearing a mask will not be required to wear one, provided they have been granted a medical exemption.
When the temperature is 45 degrees or higher bus windows/hatches will be ajar to allow for fresh air circulation.
It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure their child(ren) is (are) not experiencing any signs of COVID-19 prior to boarding a school bus.
The NYS Education Department has allowed flexibility with social distancing on school buses. We expect no more than two students per seat.
Safety Rules
All students are expected to:
Follow the driver’s instructions the first time given.
Not yell, scream, or curse on the bus.
Remain seated, keeping arms inside the bus.
Not eat or drink anything on the bus.
Always wait for the driver’s signal before crossing the street
Seat Belt Policy
On small buses, all students (K-12) are expected to wear their seat belts while riding. On large buses, we suggest our passengers buckle up, but leave the decision up to their parents.
Babysitter Policy
The district will transport students to a babysitter providing the following requirements are met:
A Babysitter Form must be on file with the district.
The sitter you choose must live within your school’s attendance zone.
Sitter arrangements can be for the morning, afternoon or both, but they must be the same every day in the afternoon. We cannot transport to different locations on different days.
For safety reasons, please provide a bookbag for your child’s belongings. Loose items can cause injuries and tempt students to reach under the bus to retrieve things.
Transporting equipment on the bus
All objects including musical instruments, must fit on the child’s lap.
Absolutely no animals, fish, or sharp objects are allowed.
Sports equipment such as hockey sticks or baseball bats, must be carried in equipment bags.
Please choose jackets and coats without draw strings and please avoid the “yellow raincoat” which may not be visible to the bus driver alongside the bus.
Bus Stops
Most bus stops are at neighborhood intersections. Bus stops are evaluated for safety and proximity to student homes by our staff.
Elementary students may walk up to 1/2 mile to school or to bus stops.
Bus Stop Pickup Procedure
It is important that drivers observe students as they approach the bus stop in the morning. Please arrange to have your child at the stop 5 minutes before ordinary pickup time.
If your child is late, please do not let him/her run to catch the bus. The driver may not see him/her and might pull away just as your child reaches the bus.
For this same reason, please do not try to transfer your child to the bus along the route if he/she misses the bus.
Bus Stop Drop-off Procedure
In the afternoon, when the bus is on a normal dismissal schedule, drivers are expected to drop students off whether parents are present or not (except for children with disabilities).
Please make arrangements and discuss with your child what he/she should do if a parent does not meet the bus.
If you do meet the bus and your child must cross the road, please cross the road with him/her, following the bus driver’s signal.
Safety Drills
Our District has an extensive bus safety program which includes classroom and on-the-bus safety drill instructions, special programs, evacuation drills, and a number of incentive programs.
More Information
Information in case of inclement weather
When the district is experiencing inclement weather, please check the district website, Facebook page or local media outlets for updates related to school closures, early dismissals or delayed openings. If you are enrolled in the district’s Parent Portal, will be notified by phone call, text message and/or email if there is a change in the regular school schedule.
Please do not call the Bus Garage. Phone lines at the bus garage must be kept open for critical calls.