North Main Elementary At-A-Glance


Where Excellence Began

North Main Street Elementary is one of three grade 2-5 schools that service the students of Monroe-Woodbury Central School District. The unique building was originally constructed in 1907-1908 and was known as Monroe School, housing grades K-12 before centralization of the school district in the early 1950s. In 1927, a fire ripped through the building, but the community rallied together and rebuilt the school. During World War II, patriotic pride was on full display as the movie, “Letter to a Hero,” was filmed on site and students served as rooftop lookouts for enemy planes.

Currently North Main has a diverse student body with over 550 students. The children are provided a wonderful learning environment. Students are at the center of all that North Main does. Classrooms have open doorways which encourage a sense of community and promote collaboration between staff and students. While the core curriculum consists of language arts, mathematics, science and social studies, each child has an opportunity to take part in STEAM activities, learn essential media skills, work on physical fitness and embrace the arts through music, drama and visual arts.

More Information

212 North Main Street
Monroe, NY 10950
(Fax) 845-460-6048


Main Office Hours: 8:15 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Student Hours: 9:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.


Mr. Roger Davis

845-460-6800 ext 6801

Assistant Principal

Mrs. Amanda Greenblatt

845-460-6800 ext 6803

Nurse’s Office

(845)460-6800 ext 6831
Fax: (845)460-6038

Library/Media Center

(845)460- 6852
Fax: (845)460-6058

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