Middle School Program of Studies
The Middle School curriculum is determined by the New York State Education Department. The Monroe-Woodbury Middle School can enhance and supplement the curriculum as long as it follows the grade-level guidelines from the State.
The following course offerings are categorized by grade. Where appropriate, grade-level descriptions are combined. Not all courses are offered at every grade level.
Sixth Grade core subjects are:
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Writer’s Workshop
Seventh Grade core subjects are:
English Language Arts
Social Studies
General Music
Eighth Grade core subjects are:
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Home & Careers
Encore Subjects
Every subject not listed above is an Encore subject.
Curriculum Information
Family and Consumer Sciences
The Middle School course, Home and Career Skills, is a required 30 week program: 20 weeks in Grade 7 and 10 weeks in Grade 8.
Grade 7
Exploring self-image and improving self-confidence
Dealing with bullying and other forms of harassment.
Following directions and using resource management skills to create a sewing machine project
Evaluating their own eating patterns and understanding the relationships among diet, health, and physical activity
Understanding the elements of good nutrition to prepare a variety of nutritious foods
Developing an awareness of food related diseases and eating disorders that impact our health and wellness
Applying the principles of food safety and sanitation
Grade 8
Research a successful entrepreneur, determine factors that lead to business success, and complete a business project
Identify personal interests and research careers for future career planning using the Internet. Complete a career portfolio and create a career PowerPoint presentation
Demonstrate the rules for filling out a job application and effective interviewing skills
Identify techniques that will help you spend your money wisely and develop an operative budget
Maintain a checkbook by writing checks, using deposit slips and balancing the check register
Please check out our website for additional information
Grade 6
The course consists of a ten-week program that emphasizes developing healthy lifestyles, appropriate decision making, and developing self-esteem. Topics include puberty, family life education, HIV/AIDS education, sexual abuse and harassment prevention, and acceptance of individual differences. Materials used in the course are available to parents upon request.
Grade 7
This 10-week course is designed to help middle school students deal with healthy relationships, refusal skills, and conflict resolution.The goal of this course is to guide students to make healthy decisions and to set positive goals for their future.
Grade 8
The emphasis in this 20-week course is to help students think about the importance of their health and make good decisions for their future.
The course is divided into the following six sections (units):
Mental Health (Emotions, Mental Health, Communication)
Substance abuse and refusal skills (Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco)
Diseases (AIDS, Heart Disease, Cancer)
Nutrition (Fad Diets, Anorexia/ Bulimia)
Family Living (Male/Female Anatomy, Fetal Development, Birth, Family Planning, Relationships)
Safety/First Aid (Abduction Prevention Education).
World Languages
Monroe-Woodbury Middle School offers all students an opportunity to study French, Italian, or Spanish beginning in Grade 7. The study of foreign languages deals with both linguistic and cultural objectives. The linguistic objectives include the development of competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The cultural objectives and topics include the recognition of the universality of human experiences and the knowledge of people who speak foreign languages in terms of: 1) their significant geographical/political and cultural features; 2) their heritage; 3) their unique contribution to western civilization; and 4) an understanding of language as a manifestation of culture.
All New York State students are required to earn one (1) High School credit of a World Language in order to graduate. Middle School students earn this credit by studying a language for 2 years and successfully passing the N.Y.S. Proficiency Exam, which is given to 8th graders in June.
Grade 7
French, Italian, Spanish
The students will be given an opportunity to study French, Italian, or Spanish at the entry level in Grade 7. Essentially, these courses will present hands-on, project oriented themes in highly motivational topics in French, Italian, and Spanish as recommended by the New York State Syllabus.
Grade 8
French I, Italian I, Spanish I
These Regents level courses offer students the opportunity to begin studying the target language in-depth. Listening, speaking, and writing skills will be emphasized and evaluated. One high school Regents credit will be given upon successful completion of these courses. Students must take and pass a locally created final assessment based on Checkpoint A of the New York State Syllabus for World Languages at the conclusion of these courses in order to earn this H.S. credit.
Physical Education
Grade 6-8
Cross Country
European Handball
Fitness Training
Floor Hockey
Flag Football
Pickle Ball
Track & Field
Weight Training
Wiffle Ball
The student will develop:
an awareness of the value of physical activity to maintain fitness throughout their lifetime.
an awareness of the importance of positive health practices.
an intermediate level of skill and acquire a working knowledge of various strategies used in sports through various team activities.
a sense of responsibility and creativity through independent group work and peer instruction.
an increased awareness of efficient body movement by participating in specified units of instruction.
an appreciation of the role of physical activity in promoting, maintaining and improving emotional and physical health.
Technology Education
The technology program is taught to all middle school students in two twenty-week courses. The first twenty weeks in the 7th grade and the next twenty in the 8th grade. Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions. Utilizing the integration of math, science, and technology concepts, students in small groups will cooperatively research, solve, present, and evaluate their solutions to real life problems.
Grade 7
Technology in the seventh grade is the introduction to the N.Y. State-mandated technology education requirement. It provides students with an understanding of the origins and evolution of technology, how it impacts our lives, and how inclusive it is in our home, our workplace, and in all subjects taught in school. It delivers a hands-on approach to learning by designing, creating, and problem-solving with tools and materials that are necessary for living in today’s world. Topics will include:
History, Evolution and Impacts of Technology
Technological Resources
Communications Technology
Introduction to Design, Engineering and Problem-Solving
Tool, Machine, and Resource Application
Grade 8
Technology in the eighth grade prepares students to function in the technologically advanced society in which we live. This course encourages students to discover and apply the knowledge and skills necessary to be technologically literate in today’s world. Students engage in various projects, which challenge their creative and analytical skills in the many technological fields. This course will cover the complexities of systems and the steps of the design process with topics including:
Tools, Resources, and Technological Process
Computer Technology
Technological Systems
Management of Technology
Engineering Design
More Information
Middle School Guidance Department Chair
Mrs. Kathleen Hassler
(845)460-6400 ext 6415
Department Chairs
Honor Rolls
The Middle School is proud to recognize outstanding student academic achievement with two honor rolls established each marking period. They are:
“A” Honor Roll – 89.5 average or above
“B” Honor Roll – 84.5 to 89.4 average
All courses that receive a numerical grade are included in the average.
Alternate day courses are given 1/2 the weight of an everyday course. Therefore, in computing the average, a course that meets daily (Science, English Language Arts, etc.) is counted twice while an alternate day course (Physical Education, Orchestra, Math Lab etc.) is counted once.
Honor Rolls are posted several weeks following the close of each marking period.