blue and white background with purple text

MW logo with athletics header in blackM-W Families,

We hope everyone’s school year is off to a great start. It is hard to believe October is here

already. With colder weather right around the corner, it is time to start thinking about our next

season. The information included in this email is for our middle school students who are

interested in participating in winter sports. Middle School (Modified) winter sports begin on

Monday, November 25. Registration will open at 2pm on Friday, October 25 and will close at

midnight on Monday, November 25.

The following “sign up” process is designed to make sure all students have access to winter

athletic team information. At the bottom of this document you will also find answers to frequently

asked questions about modified sports.

There are three important things that need to be done prior to the start of the winter season:

1) Join the Google Classroom: Your child should use the codes below to join the Google

Classroom for the sport he/she intends to try out for. These Google Classrooms are

currently open and students can join now.

These Google Classroom codes are for 7th and 8th grade students only as 6th graders are

not eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics in New York State. Please understand that

the term “Modified” simply refers to athletic programs offered to our middle school age students.

By joining a Google Classroom, a student is showing interest in participating in that particular

sport. Once a member of the Classroom, students will have access to pertinent information

such as:

● Coach’s announcements

â—Ź Information regarding physicals and corresponding paperwork

â—Ź Pre-season workouts (if applicable)

â—Ź Google Meet invitations

â—Ź Start dates and schedules

â—Ź Try out information

  • Basketball - Boys Modified ez6ubyj

  • Basketball - Girls Modified iibonn2

  • Cheerleading - Modified ayzoyxs

  • Esports- Varsity wrv6rgt

  • Wrestling - Modified 5uqco25

  • 7th and 8th graders are also eligible to participate in the following high school sports pending

    approval and successful completion of the APP process. Interested students should join the

    appropriate Classroom and the coach will assist them with this process.

    • Ice Hockey- Varsity ccslkws

    • Swimming/Diving - Varsity Boys hy3xgcy

2) Students must have an updated physical on file in the school health office or be able

to provide one. Physicals must be dated November 1, 2023, or later.

3) Beginning October 25, parents/guardians must register their child for winter sports

via our online registration program. All necessary forms will be completed within this

program, including an opportunity to upload a current physical. Each child may only

register for one winter sport.

The link for registration is listed below. It will also be posted in Google Classrooms and

on the district website under “Athletics.” Please note that registration will not open

until October 25 at 2pm.

Questions may be directed to:

Bryan Wilson - Athletic Director (


Chris Vero- Assistant to Athletics (

Frequently Asked Questions About Modified (Middle School) Sports

Who can participate in Modified Sports?

This program is available to all Monroe-Woodbury seventh and eighth grade students.

What does “Modified” mean?

The term “modified” simply means that rules have been tailored to meet the needs of

our middle school students. Rules are “modified” to allow for maximum participation in

a safe environment.

What is the Modified Athletics Philosophy?

At this level, the emphasis is on participation, safety, social/emotional growth and

teaching fundamental skills to young athletes.

What Sports are offered and when?

Fall Season:

  • Cheerleading

  • Boys Cross Country

  • Girls Cross Country

  • Football

  • Boys Soccer (2 teams)

  • Girls Soccer (2 teams)

  • Volleyball (2 teams)

    *Middle School students are eligible to participate in Girls Varsity Swimming contingent

    upon successful completion of the APP process.

Winter Season:

  • Boys Basketball (2 teams)

  • Esports

  • Girls Basketball (2 teams)

  • Cheerleading (2 teams)

  • Wrestling

    *Middle School students are eligible to participate in Boys Varsity Swimming, Ice

    Hockey contingent upon successful completion of the APP process.

Spring Season:

  • Baseball (2 teams)

  • Boys Lacrosse

  • Girls Lacrosse

  • Softball

  • Boys Track & Field

  • Girls Track & Field

Is there "cutting" in Modified Sports?

The goal of Modified Athletics is maximum participation. However, there are times that

the number of students trying out exceeds our coaching staff’s ability to safely supervise

and instruct. In this situation, reducing team size may be necessary.

What type of time commitment is involved in Modified Sports?

Team practices are usually held five days a week. It is the expectation that students

attend every practice. Practice sessions begin immediately after school and students

are released in time to ride the 5:00 pm late bus. Please note that there is no 5:00 pm

bus on Fridays. Furthermore, on days of competitions, students will participate later

than 5:00 pm. Parents or guardians are responsible for transportation on those days.

What steps need to be taken in order to be eligible to participate?

To participate in a Monroe-Woodbury Interscholastic team at the Modified, Junior Varsity

or Varsity level, each student must have a physical exam within the last 12 months on

file in the Health Office. The following documents are also required:

â—Ź Parent/Guardian Sports Permission/Medical Update

â—Ź NY Student Physical Exam Form

â—Ź Interscholastic Sports Parent/Student Agreement (Code of Conduct)

This year we will be utilizing an online registration program. The link will be posted on the

school website, social media, and in google classrooms. This link will be available in the

coming weeks.

Each team will have an interest meeting for prospective athletes prior to the start of the season.

This year, due to COVID, these “meetings” may be conducted via google classrooms. It is

important for students to stay up to date on the daily information communicated via middle

school announcements. Should your child make the team, a parent meeting will be held and

sport specific information will be shared by the coaches.

What is Selection Classification (APP)?

The Advanced Placement Process is used to determine a student-athlete's readiness to

compete at a higher level of competition. The purpose of this program is to permit the

accelerated student-athlete the opportunity to participate safely at a higher level of

competition (high school team). In order for a 7th or 8th grader to try out for a high

school team at Monroe-Woodbury, the student must first be recommended by the head

coach of the program. In making this recommendation, we not only assess the athlete’s

skill development but his/her social-emotional maturity level as well. If approved for the

APP process, the student will undergo a maturity screening and a physical fitness test

to determine if he/she is eligible to try out.

At Monroe-Woodbury we make every effort to have middle school students participate

at the Modified level whenever possible. Since the middle school day ends an hour

later than the high school, having 7th and 8th graders on high school teams presents

logistical difficulties.

Where can I Find More Information?

Our school website will continue to be updated with information regarding our athletic

programs. Click on “Athletics” for schedules, coaching directories, and other pertinent
