football graphic

This year the Monroe-Woodbury Varsity Football coaches allocated a block of time during their pre-season workouts each day to what they called "Life Skills" with their student athletes.

Each day the coaching staff came up with a life skill they felt was important to introduce, practice and teach to the M-W Football team. These included:

  • How to tie a tie with Physical Education teachers & Coaches Brent Van De Weert and Robert Kelly

  • How to write a check and make an electronic deposit, as well as how to calculate a tip with Business teacher & Coach Anthony Amoroso

  • Hands only CPR with Health teacher & Coach Christopher Vero

  • Public Speaking with Math teacher & Coach James Sciarra, featuring special guest judges Dr. Eric Hassler and Ms. Lori Hock

The student athletes were able to take a break from football during the long hot days and learn some very useful skills that they will be able to carry with them after high school.Varsity Football Team and their coachesstudent learns hands only CPRstudent athletes in classroomstudent practices how to tie a tiecoach helps student tie a tiestudents in cafeteria listening to coach